Friday, March 18, 2011

Spanish Phrases Of Congratulations

Scones and some

The first time I tried Scones was in the Irish Pub, which used to go years ago. Acts of the hands of an Irish woman and a English learner, I began to taste whipped cream mixed with strawberry jam in a kind of compact roll, which also had raisins embedded.

I must say that the first time I saw him I looked with skepticism ... but once I tried it, I said ...¡¡ that I have to do some day! And he has ... Since the first meeting many moons have passed, and was reading the blog of Cristina , when I thought of giving one step further (quite late since I said I would) ... despite not having an oven heated to 250 ยบ, when you put it at 250 degrees, I decided to face and at least try. Meanwhile, I looked at the book that a friend gave me recently (C ountry tea Party), and I named in previous posts, some recipes online, and finally ... a video on youtube (best convinced me was Scottish), which showed me step by step what do you mean "without removing" ... anyways ... I have to say I did not have much luck in the first round (no fault of the oven, poor it !!)...
might call "Crackers" instead of scones, and the most diverse forms (in the photo appears next to a scone and next bought my "cookie" to observe carefully the difference ... in case anyone thinks ... yeast threw enough) But the taste, and had subjective target audience and always good to have both kinds, if you leave a very bad thing and needs some positive reinforcement, "and decided in unison, that despite not having the shape of a scone (and that was the goal) were very rich. After taking on different days, several rounds, finally, I gave my own recipe ... and how. I gave a hint of cinnamon, I recommend who likes the cinnamon, of course ... and they were all an existence. I had to make shapes like hearts, stars, etc ... since Brand had templates for centuries, and it was like last time, I was able to enjoy a scone. Of course with clotted cream and strawberry jam. Even today I have in the glass jar a few, and although some days have passed, are still somewhat soft and can be eaten perfectly. The clotted cream is ready.

For those not familiar with the scones are a sort of bread, bagel, very compact and made of flour, a pinch of salt, a little sugar, yeast, milk .... and what they want to take. Then to top it off ... a Once done, cut in half and then you jam with clotted cream ... and that's when inevitably, think again.
tea that accompanies today is a flower I found on the shelf in the kitchen and would soon cease to exist, as it was for less than a teapot.

Sometimes when I visit a bookstore Madrid Deviaje , which I always find the odd gem to read. There I met as Islands Aran "by John M. Synge English writer and poet of the early twentieth century. Accompanies his lyrics, artwork WB Yeats's brother, Jack . All of the everyday life of Ireland.

John spent several summers of his life in the islands, particularly in a cottage on the island of Irhismaan. It seems that nowadays, you can visit the restored home that was on the island. As a curiosity, this man suffered from a cancer, Hodgkin's disease, and yet, continued to write.
begins like this ... (after a prologue in which he tells us that makes a direct narrative of his personal experience on the island, changing names ... yes, and some other data Aranmor )..." I am sitting around a peat fire, listening to the murmur of conversation in Gaelic, which reaches my ears from a small pub under my room " .

On my trip to Ireland, lacked these islands ... the next time you go, try to see.
Yesterday I celebrated St. Patrick, and there were hats, laughter, and the occasional Guinness. Although the test myself ... I can not half-pint!

's book The Aran Islands, I have not yet begun or ended ... just buy it and have to wait until it arrives eventually.


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