Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Christening Outfit Patterns

LOS Pickles: Property ELABORATIONS


The pickles or fermented pickles are vegetables detoxifying effect and high nutritional value (the ferments well prepared containing folate and high in vitamin C).

Eat a teaspoon of pickles before and after the main course at every meal aids digestion, helps prevent gas (provided it is adequate chewing) and prepare for the operation of the gall bladder to digest the fats because they stimulate the secretion of bile. It is also beneficial in case of disease liver.

The pressed vegetable pickles with sea salt and other fermented foods, especially the miso, shoyu, natto and tempeh nourish the digestive system and immune system providing good amounts of enzymes, lactic acid and enzymes to the body.

energy level, pickles promote concentration, they activate the body and lose sleep.

the preserves and pickles pickled vegetable products for a long time, and has the advantage that its nutritional characteristics are maintained. Most vegetables can be pickled, and is fun to experiment with the least "typical" such as broccoli or cauliflower.

Become your own pickles! And if you have time, then buy them facts. Either way, make a habit of taking small amounts regularly (emphasize: little, if no one gets too yang! Words, tense, rigid and contracted). When you use unrefined sea salt for pickling of vegetables is a danger that raise blood pressure, so if it were the case of developing hypertension, pickles always be washed before eating or eating them without salt.

There are basically two types of pickles - the strong-flavored, salted, pressed or pickled for a long time and quick pickles, pressed or pickled a few minutes or a few horas.Ambos are important.

Pickles long as takuan or sauerkraut consumed in very small amounts (a piece or two or one teaspoon) while we take a little more of the shorts.

Maybe you've read that eating pickles can cause cancer ... This is debidio to industrially processed is added preservatives, sugar, refined salt, vinegar poor quality ... why it's best to make them at home or buy organic .


distinguish several rates between regular use and should be avoided.

are regularly advised to take:

Sauerkraut Pickles Pickles
shoyu miso umeboshi

Takuan Pickles
Pressed Pressed
sea salt with umeboshi vinegar bran

Avoid: Spicy Pickles

Pickles Pickles Pickles
spiced vinegar


are very easy to prepare. We can do it in different ways:

1. sandwiched between two plates

2. pressed or macerating them in glass jars

3. with a special press for vegetables

- Brine Pickles

Boil 3 cups of water with a teaspoon of sea salt.

Meanwhile, chop vegetables finely and put pressure to the hub of the mortar with a strip of kombu seaweed 5mn previously soaked in a glass jar. Cover with water, cover and marinate in a cool place. You can eat at 5 days and ferment 15 days. The best known are sauerkraut, umeboshi and Taku.

- Sauerkraut (Sauerkraut):

Of German origin, the sauerkraut is finely shredded cabbage and crushed with sea salt. Its flavor comes from the fatty acid that is formed naturally during fermentation and in any case having added vinegar. It is sold in glass jars, vacuum packed or canned. In the latter case, having been pasteurized and lacks enzymes that pasteurization kills. Therefore, it is best to take unpasteurized sauerkraut. Preparation

step by step:
1 - Wash the cabbage and slice very thin half moons:
2 - Sprinkle a little salt in the bottom of a glass jar:

3 - Put a layer of cabbage and press for the hub of the mortar. Add a little sea salt over cabbage and press again another layer of cabbage in the hub of the mortar. Continue this process until you reach the top of the taro. Close it and leave it in a cool dark place for 10-15 days.

A good recipe with vitamin B12 GRILLED tempeh with sauerkraut.

- Umeboshi Plum

is an essential product in the macrobiotic diet should not be missing from the pantry. It is a sour plums has been pickled in sea salt with some leaves called "shiso" that give the red color they have (in the photo you can see the whole plums, umeboshi paste and shiso leaf).

The umeboshi is important as food and as a healing remedy if digestive problems, halitosis, poor appetite, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hangover ...

also has the ability to stop leaving the body fluids (mucus, excessive urination and menstruation, diarrhea ...). People with asthma can greatly benefit by following a macrobiotic diet and take regular umeboshi specific. Also alkalizing have a great power as protection against colds, flu and other common diseases that occur when there is a condition of the body too acidic. Umeboshi plums should buy good quality food shops and some are traded dye.


umeboshi can make sauces, pates or can be mixed with the vegetable broth, cream of cereal in the morning or tea Bancha. When added as a condiment is best not to use salt as well as in themselves are already pretty salty.

- Shiso Leaves:

are the leaves that come along with umeboshi plums but also sold separately. The shiso is rich in iron and helps in cases of anemia. As is very salty pickled shiso can be washed or soaked before use.

- Takuan:

a pickle very typical of macrobiotics is the takuan or pickled daikon. Japanese restaurants often serve as the filling of maki, but here it has to be careful as this kind of takuan (bright yellow) contains preservatives and dyes. The natural takuan is light brown. Because of its contraction properties (yang) is used for weak intestines and stomach distended (yin). Two half-inch slices enough as it is a very salty food, if we take over we could create cravings for sweets.

- Pickles in vinegar:

such as pickles, capers or pickled onions with salt. Personally I like to use as a condiment for tofunesas, but in small quantities and that vinegar is demineralized.

- Pressed Salad:

belongs to quick pickles. Here you do not need any kind of tool since it involves spraying a few drops of umeboshi vinegar greens (kale, arugula, watercress, radish leaves or mustard, lettuce ...) and squeezing them with your hands pressing it a few seconds. You can replace the ume-su by sea salt.

- Pickles in shoyu or miso:

Prepare a mixture of 25% of shoyu or miso and 75% water and let the vegetables marinate for about 15 days. Cauliflower is special in this preparation.
- Pickled ginger:

eating a piece from sushi and sushi is removed from the mouth the taste of different toppings or fillings. As in the above we must look not take sugar. It makes cutting very thin slices ginger and macerating at least an hour umeboshi vinegar (and optionally a bit of concentrated apple).

• All pickles are kept in the refrigerator.

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Nutrition for Health by Agnès Emmanuelle Perez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported .
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