Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Laboratory 5 Cell Respiration Question Answers

Etsuro Sotoo - Sagrada Familia - Barcelona

I have to say that Gaudí excites me. For some time, but in particular I have been a few years ago to pursue his work in a more exhaustive. I do not know everything, I slowly ... but it surround me while I get a lot of peace.
The last time I entered the Sagrada Familia, was after I already put in place as the Temple Basilica. Since that moment, seeing differently, and with more life, I became aware of a part of what Gaudí wanted to reflect in his work. He, it seems that he always spoke of his teachers, ... looking at a tree, admiring the nature ,.... sheet as a great master of his works ... and how I felt. As in a forest. With colored lights behind the glass ... I never imagined find so comfortable in a place. I do not know anything like it, although Gaudí belongs to a group of unique architecture.
Barcelona is full of charm, (late, even by people I know through the blog) but the Sagrada Familia is one of the places I like visit and stay for hours admiring the beautiful architecture. Besides ... I like everything about it ... just knowing that there is still a basilica under construction, unfinished, which has many architects, sculptors, painters, ... All of them dedicated to "look "Gaudi ... And while leaving their own way of seeing what he thought and wanted Gaudi. Maybe it ... like trying to write a book through the idea of \u200b\u200ba person, but at the same time allowing that person to express itself, while being who he is while pursuing the idea of \u200b\u200ba single person ... anyway ... I do not know what I mean.
In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthere is much to see, not only Sagrada Familia, but today I will stop there.

few days ago I had the pleasure of listening to Etsuro Sotoo , sculptor of some of the pictures, fruit, leaves, Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.
was wonderful, from the first moment until the end of his presentation. I never imagined that I would both listen. The truth is that spoke more of his personal experience with Gaudi, who was on sabbatical, y. .. went to visit Barcelona, \u200b\u200b... and there was ... in love with the beauty with which each reflected Gaudi small plane, and how he imagined completed.

While talking about the wisdom of the stone ... and how he discovered that he had to love in order to transform ... is really alive, despite being something inorganic ... between his words ... my mind was traveling ... I told myself, the meaning of each word of this man, who taught at a university in Japan, which will have been master of other sculptors, who loves what he does .. . and tried to find out ... to where Gaudí looked, and how it transmits peace.
"A great work of art as the Holy Family can not be understood if not a glimpse of the driección who wanted to give its creator. Now I understand I should not look at Gaudi, but look where he looked. "(Etsuro Sotoo)

This paper, heard it in a beautiful place .. . The Archbishop's Palace in the city where I live, and that was the birthplace of Catherine of Aragon (later Queen of England).
signed the book I bought ,..." From Built to the Master ".
Is your work? was restored one of the facades, which was one that started Gaudí, and add the missing sculptures. Etsuro not know when the last time I traveled to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut still do not know, I made many pictures of the sculptures he had done. (By the way ... the pictures are not very good, but they are some of his sculptures). The leaf in the distance, behind Etsuro, was his "review" to enter as a sculptor of the Holy Family, now thirty-three years.

I think I'll leave behind those tissues and night coughing so interesting. And here, even though the days are coming good, now, again cold.

I read ... and with this cool fall even more eager to stay at home reading. As always, I'm more ... I hope they speak to you soon.


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