Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sew-ins To Exercise A Lot

New policies against graffiti and Rayados in Valparaiso - For DF
As many will already be aware, in Valparaiso soon begin an initiative to prevent graffiti and graffiti on the streets This with the aim of clean street for tourists, and also protect the heritage of humanity. Several means have criticized this situation, and warned the complexity of the case ( Journal and The Citizen Review Cavila , etc.) but still feel that this reflection is not yet complete, so from The Simple Facts of Freethinker, I will express my opinion on the matter.
The website of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso published an opinion piece, which was excerpted from Valparaiso Mercury on January 25, 2010 ( read here.) In it the author presents various views of people involved in the Open Air Museum, a project of the university, where he expressed the problem of the high cost of restoration of the murals, which returned a few days to be covered by graffiti. It is certainly a problem for the university's pocket. It would be good to ask, then, what are the reasons driving to carry out such acts and if, indeed, could be considered "vandalism".
Another argument was how they painted the statues in the park also Italy, Britain or the bow was constantly scratching " worth noting that the British Arch, in March last year, of the visit of Prince Charles of England. For this event took place a thorough cleaning of the monument, however, the following days, and had again become dirty and scratched by anonymous people. " ( 1 ).

will be asked if they are really valid arguments presented by those intellectuals and connoisseurs of culture and the arts as it should be remembered that those beautiful Greek temples, such as the Pantheon or others, which inherits the style of those statues Italy Park were originally painted in different colors, which distances us from the vision of a pristine white church, incorruptible. Also, how much you care for a democratic republic with a monarch be liked anachronistic? It seems that once again we are planning to be liked that seemed important, and leaving aside the mob, hide in the hills, in prisons, in slums. To be lost at home to the rhythm of morning and Realitis, to cry and laugh with lives that do not belong. Fortunately, the mob is not all like that, and then return to the graffiti.

see that the streets are filled with more and more security cameras, fences, thorns and police, which with its large green cars, and even arrogance, do nothing but litter the landscape and filled with violence. On these streets where anonymity becomes an obligation, and any form of bear becomes a violation punishable by an identity check (at best), it is necessary form of expression. The "tag" (those lined with names), for example, but may not have everything a Hulk theoretical (at least from what I know), no doubt speaking of people in modern society try to make their mark and thus as the rich away with his car last model to walk the streets to show off their wealth and fill your ego, who line the city expressed the same desire to show, but from another angle.
Another argument used is that great painters who did murals in the Open Air Museum to see their art tainted by hordes of troglodytes who did graffiti on their work, and the curators were desperate to regain work spending so many resources. These same artists who present their art in galleries, museums, who sell their art at high prices and the company recognizes, now want to be "street", to be popular and paint a giant mural in the world heritage city, but not seem to know the rules of the game. The ever-changing street shows them that doing their work in a wall, the left outside, away from the museum (which retains everything), without defense against what people think (or street performers) of his work. And this is the appeal of the street, everything changes, that goes to another rhythm, where the work says more when he has the graffiti over and over again, not when it is intact. To see the art must have some sensitivity, and it seems that the sensitivity of artists have done an end, to make way for his own ego.

I will not refer to the statements that came out today on Channel 13, on measures being taken against those that border on anti-authority on the walls, "inviting protests or questioning and insulting the authority "since it is more than a tail hair. But as I see mention of things: The regional authorities and the city of Valparaiso, as well as Jorge Castro expressed are thinking about tourism and what they think is attractive (a city without streets lined), because that is like asking the poor to fall from the hills, or showing their debts or rows that are in the clinics to the gringos or international authorities. I would like to see the authorities as engaged in cleaning the problem of "right to horizon" in cities with hill and sea, where it has built buildings block the view of all inhabitants, and their right to watch the sea or the same way that fined themselves to fill the streets of his election campaign the only time we see them on the street, are not hypocrites. Nobody wants to see the dirt, so put it under the carpet, although it does not solve the problem.

What is dirt?
Here I give you a list.


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