Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Have A Problem Installing Memory Card Reader


In 1945, when it happened, the tragedy of the atomic bomb on Japan, Akizuki Tatsuichiro was Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis Hospital in Nagasaki. Many patients in this hospital that was located one mile from the center of the explosion, survived the initial effects of the bomb, but later found suffering from symptoms of disease due to radiation. Dr. Akizuki

fed his team and their patients with a strict diet based on rice, miso soup and tamari, wakame, kombu and other seaweed, Hokkaido pumpkin and sea salt, and banned the consumption of sugar and sweets.

The result obtained was the salvation of all people who were in hospital while many survivors died of illnesses caused by radiation. Source: Tatsuichiro Akuziki, MD Nagasaki 1945, London Quarter Books, 1981. (Brown rice, miso, Sea vegetables, Salt)

In 1968 Canadian scientists explained that seaweed polysaccharides selectively limiting radioactive strontium and help the body to eliminate. In laboratory experiments, sodium alginate prepared from kelp, kombu and other brown sea vegetables Atlantic and Pacific coasts were introduced along with strontium and calcium in mice. Reducing radioactive particles in samples taken from their bones, the femur measures, amounted to 80% with very little interference in the absorption of calcium.

assessment of the biological activity of different marine algae is important because of its practical significance to prevent absorption of radioactive products from nuclear fission and also for use as a natural detoxification. Source: Y. Tanaka et. Al "Studies on Inhibition of Intestinal Absorption of Radioactive Strontium," Canadian Medical Association Journal 99: 169-75. (Sea Vegetables)


Whole grains help protect against the deterioration of our health from the effects of radiation in five ways:

1. Whole grains are in the lower strata of the food chain. While that may have been exposed to environmental pollution and radiation, does not have the concentration of contaminants found in meat and large fish, found in the upper echelons of the food chain.

2. Concerning radiation protection is important in fiber and high in phosphorus in cereals. Protection capacity These substances are helping the body to eliminate poisons.

3. Most cereals reduce intestinal transit time and thus accelerate the elimination of all toxins.

4. Since there are not too acidifying or alkalizing too, whole grains help us to maintain the proper pH to increase our resistance to radiation.

5. Whole grains provide vitamin B6 which is essential for thymus. In addition, calcium-containing protects us from the intake of radioactive strontium and vitamin E and selenium prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.


1. Food refined, procesados \u200b\u200bmodificados or genetically (transgénicos)

2. Alimentos fatty (meat, Dairy products)

3. Refined sugar and beverages Chemical

Source: Diet for the Atomic Age by Sara Shannon, Avery Publishing Group Inc.., Wayne, New Jersey.

traducido BY AGNÈS PÉREZ DE:


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