Friday, March 11, 2011

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Practical dietetics Macrobiotic GEORGES DE LA OHSAWA

If the person is superior to all others animals must know how to cure their own illnesses as well or better than other animals (birds, fish, insects, worms and microbes). If among the human race will find a person incapable of asserting its own infinite freedom, eternal happiness and absolute justice, that person would be made to feed on worms and microbes and would have no need to go to hell after death as it is in hell for his life.

Of all the practices, the most important thing to observe is to look after their own health. If fish and worms can without resorting to keep records such as drugs, doctors and hospitals why could not it also the people?

Everyone is happy, if not, is that the individual in question is subject to criminal punishment that comes from the Order of the Universe. If you get this punishment, it means that your authority personally connected to the supreme trial has been or is totally eclipsed. If you're determined to be a happy person (a free, independent, healthy, happy and appreciated by all) and live a long life, should, first, to purify and reveal your ability to judge supreme taking a daily balanced diet that for the Order of the Universe, as has been demonstrated so deeply by the philosophy China and India in the origin of the oldest civilizations and higher.

People are born free, healthy, affordable and appreciated by all, devoid of violence and unique harmony with the Order of the Universe.
We can and should be free, healthy, happy, fair and esteemed by all if we are determined to be.

I came here to France for the first time in 1914. Since then I have to visit a dozen times to import the single principle of science and philosophy of the Far East, the parent of all civilizations and religions of the East to establish a positive and profound understanding between East and West.

Unfortunately, I could not convince anyone. And I had to earn my living by teaching and practicing acunpuntura or introducing the art of flower arrangement, Buddhism, bonsai, bonkei, the theory of judo, etc ... And I could not go forward. I left this country in late 1935 to return last financial funds as soon as possible. But everything went wrong ... and enfin, on the war during which I was arrested and jailed on several occasions and was (and am) a pacifist and anti-militarist ...

For the first time in over twenty years I returned to France after past two years and eight months in Africa. And this time, this pioneering practitioner and importer of acunpuntura to Europe has seen for the first time with great astonishment hundred acunpuntores "Made in France", books on Buddhism and Japanese architecture, art teachers of flowers, thousands of judo, bonsai in the department stores ... and manual therapists! For this I hasten to speak of the One Principle, without which you will be lost in all scientific and philosophical studies in the Far East.

I am very happy to send you this extract, a simplified translation of my book "Healing the new diet" in Japanese, now edited by 465 th time. I hope to convey to him through the art of healing dietary teachers for almost 40 years, and not just theory and it's treatment in "Philosophy and medicine in the Far East" and in my courses.

is, in a sense, the crystallization of my medical system, which is none other than the biological interpretation, physiological and logic of philosophy, the concept of the Universe from the Far East. For thirty years I have written and published over two hundred books and thousands of monthly newspaper articles about both theoretical aspects and practical issue. But at present, looking forward to a useful and accessible to all, I deleted in this book the principles and theorems. Those interested in the theory can be documented reading my books in French or Japanese or reading my articles in magazines that publish different centers in the East or West.

"Practise first is the premise of this little book. My

dietary system of medicine, the art of longevity and rejuvenation is so simple and so inexpensive that everyone can take at any time in any country, if everyone is predisposed to heal itself and all coast, having gone through bitter experiences, difficult and costly trying to beat in vain amounts of medical cures and treatments, physical, mental or religious.

This method depends only healing yourself. No need to depend on anyone or use any means, this method is based only on food. My method is more emphasis on education of logic and moral treatment. It is essential and not symptomatic.

The objectives of my medical system consists first in exposing the root cause of all diseases and secondly, that of all happiness. If you look then the principles of my medicine, not only you will be free of disease or of being affected by disasters, but also in the future you will be getting immunized any type of illness or misfortune. This is in fact a new simplified interpretation, biological, physiological and logic of the philosophy of the Far East that will lead to eternal happiness, infinite freedom, the absolute righteousness and universal love.

Anyway you can not understand the philosophy (and techniques including medicine) and all major religions (Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc ...) without interpretation.

At present, all the eminent personalities from the world strive to establish peace in their own countries and internationally, and all efforts are crumbling one after another, which Torre of Babel. The history of humanity since its origins is not only a long, long history of booms and busts. This is because humans attempt to establish peace, happiness and freedom through force (social, political, economic, moral or intellectual).

Some of them attempt by some new monstrosity unprecedented brutal and cruel (they have forgotten, however, that everything in this world has a beginning has an end and on the start and so antagonistic!). They must have forgotten that this ephemeral world of relativity is only a geometrical point of the universe absolute, eternal and infinite, dominated by the law of this universe. They can not ever be able to establish a happy, healthy and free, for others or for themselves. But forcing others to tear to shreds by testing cruel death and life.

In modern times, Gandhi only through the denial of these methods first stressed non-violence (Ahimsa), fasting, biological, physiological and logical. He was a brave and sincere disciple of the natural and philosophical approach that attempted to deny the power of violence, even in medicine. Unfortunately Staba too monopolized by the struggle for the liberation of his people to give a translation modern ancient Eastern philosophy.

Dr. Schweitzer is also a man of nonviolence in the field of medicine as it pertains to one of the major religions of the West. But as Gandhi, Schweitzer did not have time to study thoroughly the principle of principles, the principle of life, the Vedanta or Eastern philosophy.

There is a Chinese saying: "Build first a free and peaceful individual life, second family life, and thirdly a happy and peaceful social life in freedom, and finally, a world government based on these three first. " No one can disregard this order. Western socialism, the Soviet communism, anarchist doctrines or theory Reclus Elisée utopian Robert Owen, Saint Simon and Fourier tried but failed to establish a first stage, performed more or less in their lives, but did not attempt to recommend to the society or their peers. Total or near total ignorance of the Constitution of the Universe. "

Conversely, all free people of Eastern (holy and wise) insisted on this aspect with great care on numerous occasions. His teachings are no longer in use. Hence the sense of my purpose and to present my new interpretation of Vedanta and Eastern philosophers in a new light in terms form, language, biology, physiology and logic. PREPARATION

First you must prepare to navigate the shortest route, less expensive to eternal happiness, infinite freedom and absolute righteousness. To embark on this new journey you do not need no money or tools. The only preparation is to be clear on the mental level to follow the dietary guidelines, and so you will have fulfilled the following words spoken by Epithet:

"Everyone is happy, who is not, is by its very fault "

This means that you are born happy, free, fair and full of love. If you are not happy, and free, you are sick or have to depend on others, is that you have violated the laws of nature, the Order of the Universe you knew since before your birth and no one has taught you so, and also I have violated as it has taught you after your birth through what is called "education." You know it or not, this violation must be punished in the same way that die after drinking consciously or unconsciously a dose of poison.

'll be more or less unhappy as you have committed one or more crimes. If you have not violated the laws of humanity, then you have violated the Order of the Universe. You can violate the laws that are written by men involuntarily or voluntarily because they change depending on the times and occasionally who already had approved the hanging, but you have to fear breaking the law of the Order of the Universe. Your ignorance about the laws human and nonhuman is not a mitigating circumstance to avoid punishment. The fact that ye are locked in a prison cell known disease or misfortune means you are punished for the Order of the Universe. You can escape the laws of humanity by means of money, corruption, fraud, violence or carrying out a revolution, but still there is no way to escape the order of nature, however perfect it may be, unless it is through a change of mind or concept adaptándoos life in this universal order. If you do not accept these laws is useless that you may continue reading this text. Throw this book, you will lose some money * but you will gain time.

No animal except man has made this world a world of madness, misery, disease, crime, murder and betrayal. Observe birds, mice, mosquitoes, butterflies, lions or tigers. All enjoy happy and peaceful life. It is impossible that you saw a tiger suffer migraine, toothache, rheumatism or stomach. Neither you have seen a crow never going to buy aspirin at the pharmacy, or an old stag buy glasses, or a cow affected with smallpox, or a calf dying from a rubella.
sure you have never seen a lion like a suckling pig fat.
No animal except man's tax or some other instrument relating to the illness or misfortune. All the animals know how to heal and help each other. Why do not you also know the man?

When you have achieved healing through this method, Cling to our international health plan, go and visit those who must remain in the immobility caused by long illnesses, teach what you have achieved and done, how you have healed, and distribute the greatest number of these booklets . You should cure at least a hundred people through this method. Not that this will interest everyone, but at least do it to train them in the art of macrobiotics is unique and unprecedented in history. By doing this, afrontaréis many difficulties, but also know more about our medical dietetics, and eventually you will become teachers in the art of making health through a live feed, universal, will begin to understand what health is and what life is built on the principles of freedom and happiness. If you can cure

averaged thirty people in three months, and if you can make these thirty people heal thirty more over the next three months, and so on, will soon be in the world thousands of dietitians macrobiotics.

If you can not cure all the ills of your family once and for all of your people and society closely you are a unique person, egocentric, solitary and arrogant. Happiness is the number of friends you have and can make more friends. The larger the number of friends you have, the greater the your happiness and your freedom. A free person is one who never find another person who is not capable of love, it feels good everywhere and are interested in everything.

personal examination is subject to the "7 health conditions" at the end of each week. If no progress or a great improvement after about two months, means that the means employed to observe the dietary guidelines are bad. Parad curative treatment, or you are no doubt too negligent to self-heal or not you are truly motivated to lead a happy and free. GUIDELINES


(Do not follow this regime more than two months without consulting a counselor / a macrobiotic / a)
- Take the minimum amount of water (including milk, menus, coffee, tea, water. Sopa)
- let's take: a.

sugar in whatever form (pastry, sugar dishes, sweets, ice cream, sweetened yogurt ...)
b. potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, green beans
c. fruit salads (unless you have specifically recommended) D.
curry powder, cayenne pepper, spices, garlic, green beans, peas, beans, legumes (except where otherwise stated)
e. animal products (meat, fat, protein, eggs, milk, butter or any processed products). Absorbed

the following foods:

a. rice, wheat, buckwheat, oats, barley, millet, corn on the cob or polenta, couscous integral. These cereals are not to be refined and can take fried, roasted, swollen, raw or cooked. B.
Small amounts of greens, roots and tubers (other than prohibited before). Coles, coli-flower, onion, carrots, pumpkin, radish, dandelion, watercress, chicory, burdock, celery, are recommended cooked with water, oil and seasoned only with sea salt (all of these products must be grown in the same village (150 km) and the traditional way No country which is abut). C.
Avoid using other than sesame oil, rapeseed or sunflower oil (to avoid animal fat, butter)


Cereals (70 to 90%) and vegetables (30 to 10%) is the best proportion. A greater amount of grain, the faster the cure. Vegetables can eliminate completely during the first weeks. Chewing


tablespoon chew each bite 50 times or less (if more often is better. The more mastiquéis, the faster you curaréis).

not forget:

While you are following the diet, strive to find the minimum required amounts. This means that no one will live happily if you take anything in excess within the minimum you need to eat (I mean both quality and quantity). This is a waste, luxury, sensual pleasure simple accumulation of which result in the future to punish the crime together with no exceptions: the misery, sadness, painful diseases, poverty, the weakening of sound mind, lead to difficulties, failures and to premature death, illness or accident, or permanent slavery.

Through this system will learn for the first time in your life which has been the waste of food that you did during your daily life, and what freedom and what infinite happiness, what we have right view. Also you will learn what you can determine if you feed with food as simple and as small amount.

Food is the most precious thing we can make our lives and our activities, eating too much food waste can be useful other people is a deadly crime. It's like explode or indirectly kill our fellowmen. This is the first step you should take to restore the excellence of your memory capacity or trial, you have lost through modern education. Unfortunately the whole of humanity (including war) is the result of a lower capacity of supreme trial which obscures the light and the goals that have been the ideal of any major religion of the East.

Written by George Ohsawa between 1960 and 1966. Original text in French ( )
Translation: Agnès Perez.
* note added by the translator. In the original text has "French Francs."


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