always coming this time, I usually remember back to one of the writers that shaped my childhood - adolescence ... She is Lucy Maud Montgomery. One day like today, the last day of November, was born a woman would offer a few characters for the enjoyment of the imagination of many. At this time of night, I think how wonderful that must be the life of Maud (it seems that this was how he liked to hear his name). Tonight, before going to bed, I picked a couple of books he wrote. One of them bought in Prince Edward Island. It's one of those teen books (which has never been translated, to my knowledge ... and I doubt that one day we do), and they say it is the story that comes closest to your life. called Pat of Silver Bush . And about a girl named Patricia Gardiner, who is in love with the area where he lives, and the house ... called Silver Bush. And from what I read on the back cover of the book (in English of course), speaks of those places that never seem to change anything, but really, everything changes around them. I have not read so I can tell you no more. I hope someday anime ...
Another of his books I've chosen for tonight, is Anne of Avonlea , in the chapter that I started randomly shows a very interesting conversation about education ... It seems that thousands of years separate us (at least over a hundred other), since Anne proposes a teaching that are not maltreated What children think the Anne ....¿ today if he were in one of the schools I've visited this month? You may feel a bit strange seeing as direct students to the teachers .... But I'm sure it would be full of great patience and determination ... The truth is that I love to see it ...

A video of pictures of her, I never really thought me well, physically, ... when a teenager I read his books ... Click here to view video.
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