Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Swollen Ankles And Hives

always coming this time, I usually remember back to one of the writers that shaped my childhood - adolescence ... She is Lucy Maud Montgomery. One day like today, the last day of November, was born a woman would offer a few characters for the enjoyment of the imagination of many. At this time of night, I think how wonderful that must be the life of Maud (it seems that this was how he liked to hear his name). Tonight, before going to bed, I picked a couple of books he wrote. One of them bought in Prince Edward Island. It's one of those teen books (which has never been translated, to my knowledge ... and I doubt that one day we do), and they say it is the story that comes closest to your life. called Pat of Silver Bush . And about a girl named Patricia Gardiner, who is in love with the area where he lives, and the house ... called Silver Bush. And from what I read on the back cover of the book (in English of course), speaks of those places that never seem to change anything, but really, everything changes around them. I have not read so I can tell you no more. I hope someday anime ...
Another of his books I've chosen for tonight, is Anne of Avonlea , in the chapter that I started randomly shows a very interesting conversation about education ... It seems that thousands of years separate us (at least over a hundred other), since Anne proposes a teaching that are not maltreated What children think the Anne ....¿ today if he were in one of the schools I've visited this month? You may feel a bit strange seeing as direct students to the teachers .... But I'm sure it would be full of great patience and determination ... The truth is that I love to see it ...
The photos are of a servant when I was in the IPE (hope I can come back and enjoy the scenery so beautiful again, it's worth just being there, sitting across the sea and watch the sunset ...). The house, which appears is where I used to go visit the family of his mother's side. There he met a cousin with whom he had a lot of respect and close by is the shimmering lake waters ... There is a sign that indicates. The house is pretty good, but here not write the books of Anne of Greengables, that made it so famous ... but this house was very important to her. Here he spent many of the happiest moments of his life. The above picture corresponds to an area near the house where he grew up (In which only the foundations remain because it caught fire) and a bookstore. Following the path (of the second picture) ... you get to the sea and the dunes ... is one of the most beautiful landscapes I've ever seen.
A video of pictures of her, I never really thought me well, physically, ... when a teenager I read his books ... Click here to view video.


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