Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Much Does Hemorrhoid Removal Cost?


We are at a critical time when we can see that the habits and patterns of life in our society do not work. We changed the values \u200b\u200bof built solid lives for thousands of years, others completely superficial and common sense. We appreciate all the "exterior" and ignore all the "inside": our human qualities, our virtues and quality of heart. As we are in a dualistic world, every action generates a reaction, and reactions that are harvested are of imbalance at all levels of our being.

The mind has surpassed heart and is a very high price to pay ... a physical level, there will always exist and germs, viruses, bacteria, etc ... is life! But if we are strong and energized, we will not be affected by the flu or other disease. We must revitalize our immune system, which is actually the set of all our systems: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, nervous, skeletal, reproductive, endocrine ... and all our bodies (physical, emotional, mental), because any imbalance in one of them, affect us globally. We must seek comprehensive health ...

We fear the disease because we are weak! In my opinion, the solution is not to seek medication, but to change our habits and strengthen:
1) Be aware of how we are weakened,
2) Create a good quality blood,
3) Know how to stay strong and energized with our everyday habits.


There are no victims, but they make our day, we create our present. We know that if we have the same future, so just follow the same actions. But if on the contrary, we collect different fruits, we must plant today, different seeds usually used. It is common sense, if we can not pick melons planted carrots! Do we like what we are collecting in our indoor garden right now?


The most common form is directly dependent on the quality of our food. What foods use and effects-reactions produce in our bodies (physical, mental, emotional).


If we really want is to get a quality of life, power and stability, one of the first steps is to reflect that kind of energy generated effects and the food we eat at least 3 times a day.
Each food we generated an effect, both physical and energetic.
Every food has its life force (KI) and according to the amount and the way they consume, and give us a different energy response.

Cooking, preparing food to generate HEALTH VITALITY, EQUILIBRIUM AND PEACE OF MIND is a lost art, you have to go back to recover all costs. FOOD PRODUCING AN ACID AND WITH IT BLOOD extreme reaction to the physical, emotional and mental health are the following:
- The group of saturated animal fats, meats, sausages, dairy
excess - excess of baked goods (bread, pastries , pizzas ...)
- Daily intake of refined sugar, white sugar, brown sugar, cane sugar, honey, saccharin, fructose, artificial sugars, maple syrup, chocolate, ice cream with sugar, junk food and sugary sweets fast. Sugary soft drinks, pastries and baked with sugar Fast.
- Excess raw, acidic, tropical fruits.
- Regular consumption of nightshades (potato, tomato, eggplant, pepper.
- soft Dairy (butter, milk, yoghurt, cream, etc ....
- Stimulants (coffee, sugary soft drinks, etc ...)
- Alcohol and vinegar

While on one hand the consumption of saturated fat we tighten and lock the liver, generating tension, stiffness and closed emotions, strong and excess. On the other hand, will want food or drinks cool opposite effect us, we help unlock We produce effects of expansion, avoidance, dispersion. Although we weaken consumption, especially the nervous system and our kidneys, feeling lethargic, listless and weak immune system. Energy are the two extremes, one can not exist without the other!

All these foods mentioned, they produce acid in the blood, we demineralized. The body will tend to balance this acidity with mineral reserves. If these reservations no longer exist, you must obtain organs and systems, resulting in demineralizing and debilitating effect for all our immune system.

Have we asked ourselves why in the autumn appear more health problems, or at least is the top of them? Because people during the hot months, making a surplus of food and beverages debilitating extreme YIN energy, such as ice cream, too much fruit and raw, bleeding, alcohol .... With so many minerals that are lost, while also sweat more, another important factor to consider.

And at the first sign of cold, people are weak as everyone falls, both of flu, such as states of depression and fatigue. Globally, food and drink are used to compensate: difficulties, emotional problems, to satisfy our senses, to help us escape from our stress, our fatigue, responsibilities, not to think, feel .... Food used to balance the problems of other bodies (emotional and mental) of vibration more subtly, they do not need physical food, as they have no digestive system.


The first step is to adopt a diet that strengthens us, we maintain a blood pH slightly alkaline, and we do not demineralize. A diet based on whole foods, unprocessed and unrefined. Food of life, those used by our ancestors, mainly originating from the field.

These foods include whole grains in its integral form, unprocessed seeds of life that give us energy and vitality. VEGETABLE PROTEIN (legumes, tofu, tempeh, seitan), fish, vegetables root, round and green leafy sea vegetables (seaweed), SEEDS, DRIED FRUIT, VEGETABLE OILS, SEASONAL FRUIT, SPICES AND NATURAL SWEETENERS.

But adopting these guidelines is not easy at first, we must have determination and do what we say we want. Many people believe they are eating well, and really live in a totally illusory. Eating brown rice or a bit of algae from time to time, does not mean, even remotely, be eating healthy.

must understand the balance, we must relearn how to use these forgotten foods, namely their combinations and feel totally satisfied with them. To do this, you have to want to learn, be open daily instruction and practice.

We have said that with the arrival of cold (Yin), so do the dreaded cold and flu ... We therefore need to avoid "yinizarnos."

Some practical suggestions:

- AVOID: alcohol, wine, vinegar, refined sugar, sugary soft drinks, stimulants, with demineralizing effects.
- Avoid: Anything cold temperature ice cream, ice, cold drinks ...
- avoid dairy in all its forms. Produce mucus, and breathing problems.
- Avoid the use of soy milk and tofu oil (must be cooked). Also
-baked flour and processed grains (flour, flakes, bread) in general produce a lot of trouble breathing and mucus.
- To reduce all the raw (salads, fruits) of cooling effect
- Avoid pastries, cakes, baking powders.
- Avoid consumption of nightshade vegetables (demineralizing effects): potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers.
-  Reduce the consumption of species.
-  INCREASE: the consumption of long cooking root vegetables in the round,
-  increase the consumption of seaweed, and soups miso.
-  Using winter cereals: millet, brown rice, buckwheat, oats.
- Increase the amount of cooking oil, poached onions, etc ...
- Use cooking styles which provide a deep heat oven, braised, sauteed long, pressure, vegetable butters, etc ....
- Increase slightly salty seasonings: salt, miso, soy sauce ..
- Increasing the protein, to generate more heat, more vegetables, fish and vegetable proteins ....
- If you want fruit, take baked, stewed, baked, grilled, etc ....
- Drink hot teas of thyme, rosemary, sage, licorice, you 3 years time they can even add a few slices of fresh ginger.

If we see that at any given time, we began to have cold symptoms, we can immediately start taking echinacea, propolis and thyme, in order to strengthen our immune system. It is a symptom that our systems are so tired and weaken. There is also increasing in winter sleep.

I think if we are strong we can overcome the constraints of seasonal change and all this around us. The storms always happen, but if the tree has good roots, growing power, may toss it with the wind and rain, but the next day still grow with strength and vitality.

Article by Montse Bradford, published in the journal Athanor in 2006.


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