Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why Does It Burn To Have A Menstrual Cycle

Cranford - Elizabeth Gaskell

Has anyone ever seen a cow pajamas? Or have you heard about someone who put a tea shop at home to leave a financial hardship? Do you have the need to reread letters from the past? Or have read " Papers Pickwick "of Dickens and thought it worth reading? All this and more happens in Cranford. A small town with very peculiar people, while just flows. Most of the people who make this society are women who have had to cope alone. Although there are social differences marked by the time they live and Victorian morality, there is also strong bond that makes these differences will be diluted.
long ago I read the book, but I could not avoid returning to read it while I watched the show.

In Cranford (book) I can say that I liked it more this time than the last time I read it ... I do not know why. I thought a lot about Elizabeth Gaskell, in his hometown ( Knutsford ), which they say is really Cranford (although the series is another place Lacock in Wiltshire), their daughters, care had to the weakest (I think it was the first social workers) ... Also, name a lot in this novel to his friend Charles Dickens, and especially some of his books. And ironically bring about this "new writer" into a world where they may still not quite ready to understand. Also allowed the luxury of using his nickname, Boz, perhaps to give more publicity or just praise. The truth is that reading this book I felt more curious about his life, his thoughts, concerns ... of this great woman.

While reading the book, and thought of the writer and his praise of simple, everyday life, I realized the great value of this story narrative. First how to tell: it's as if someone who no longer is on the streets ... or that long ago that you do not, remember those moments and brings together all those moments in small fragments of stories that are intertwined with each other. First described Cranford society (with their ladies, maids, and the occasional gentleman). Then stops especially in a pair of sisters, the Misses Jenkins, and thus, leads the voice that narrates the other characters. That voice is the St. Smith who just speaks for itself.

Cranford series is based on three books: one bearing the same name as the series: Cranford, another is called Lady Ludlow and finally are the the "Confessions of Dr. Harrison." These three books are also within a single called " Cranford Chronicles " ... (What a mess!, But the truth is that the series is well basted, and there seems to be three books ... or maybe more ...).
anecdotally, in the series appears the daughter of Judy Dench. I let you discover it ... in the midst of the characters that make Cranford.

books are in the thousands of moments when I think that little can be happy. In addition to capitalizing on those small weaknesses that we all have here ... detail the usual mania, or that they do not support the other. Some people need to see the candles of equal size, others hate to see as you take more butter as needed and the surplus back to the left in the same container from which I came ... Or maybe, who can not see that waste paper, etc ... We all have little things we "take out of proportion" and know why.

But in this small society, which expects visits (that sometimes never arrive), and while waiting with her cap in place, or read or do crochet ... A stop at some point because there is more above all that sustains social norms, of what should or should not do ... And that ultimately lead to name the love .... Of all the ways one can imagine ... From the romantic love even the smallest gesture of friendship. One out thinking ... why not send read these books in school / colleges? What difficulties and taboos prevent us?

'm currently going through the schools to talk about PREVENTING ng violence ... And I see that violence is everywhere ... That not know how to explain each other to stick at a time Anger is normal ... That life has other priorities (economic?) that the world revolves around other ideals (consumerism ??)... And when I talk about gender inequality, all agree with the "beautiful and good words" ... but when they appear gestures concrete or speak in their language, their nearest or put everyday examples of their environment very ... then yes ... it appears the rationale, victimization, which increases a life without any improvement because there is no learning ... . Anyway ... they are good kids and kids, but there is so much to do !!!... I have gone a little quite the topic ... and may not have understood what he meant, but ultimately, what I come to say is that today Cranford would be good ... That is a current reading ... we can remind people that go to summer to some you and others can make us think that makes need to live a little more thinking about what I can do from here ...
As these women who help in secret when one of them what is going wrong.

left the book that I loved, because Cranford and his characters came to my mind and wanted to know more about them ... I'll keep reading to Lady Ludlow, but you will after the end of that never ends. It always seems like I have something better to read ... could it be that I quit?


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