Sunday, November 14, 2010

Maybelline Everfresh Ivory

CREATIVE sushi (vegetarian / vegan AND FISH )

These recipes inspired by Japanese cuisine has two essential changes to get healthier, one is to remove the sugar that usually have the usual ingredients, and another is made from brown rice instead of white.
There are different types of sushi. The best known are:

Maki Maki Japanese for wind. They are made with foil of seaweed (nori) is black. They taste and soft texture and a delicate and creative aesthetics. Inside can be filled with vegetable protein (tofu, tempeh, seitan, vegetables), seaweed, vegetables such as cucumbers, avocado and all that the imagination of self. ROLL

are rolled rice as rice is out, batter and sesame seaweed and filling are inside.

nigiri rice are couches, a small and delicate oval of rice with a thin slice of fresh fish in the Japanese original recipe. Sometimes it inside wasabi (spicy green dressing.)
This type of sushi is the most common with the maki.
also can be done just with vegetables such as mango, asparagus, smoked tofu ... securing them with a strip of nori. Temaki

"Te" is Japanese for "hand" and "maki", "roll." Therefore the temaki is a kind of cone (cone-shaped). Ingredients temaki preparation are similar to those of maki. SASHIMI

are small and thin slices of fresh fish taken dipped in soy sauce with wasabi and served with boiled rice or gohan. In this article we have substituted by plant proteins.

started with a nice and very explanatory video of Eva Agulo so you can see the basic process for enrolling them:

Vegan Recipes



1 cup brown rice 2 cups water

Vegetable Nori scalded (carrots, cucumber, avocado, smoked tofu)
rice vinegar Salt

Mat bamboo.

Boil the rice with salt (brown rice takes approximately 45mn) over low heat. Meanwhile cut the vegetables into strips and make grilled tofu, also cut into long strips.

When the rice is to the point (rather soft but not broken), allow to cool to room temperature and sprinkled with a dash of rice vinegar.

piece Toast nori in a pan or directly over the flame of fire until the color changes from green algae to a dark brown.

Place nori, with the rough side up, above the mat. Then pour the rice with a uniform thickness and strips of vegetables at one end so that the wrap are in the center. Tighten when rewinding and put in the fridge for all the mass is compacted. When cool enough (1 hour) cut into 2 cm slices. thick.

Serve with soy sauce and some hot as wasabi (Japanese green horseradish). Temaki



nori seaweed rice 300g
White cabbage 1 carrot

umeboshi paste soy sauce


1. Boil rice.

2. Cut the veggies: shredded carrot and cabbage very thin half moons.

3. Form rice balls knead with your hands. Next, cut nori into four rectangles and moisten with a little water.

4. Join cones: Extending the nori strips on a mat. Spread over rice balls, strips of carrot and cucumber slices. Roll the strips of algae forming cones and serve with soy sauce. Makis



1 cup brown rice 2 cups water

1 cucumber
carrot Ume-su (umeboshi vinegar)

1. Boil rice with salt (brown rice takes approximately 45mn) over low heat.

2. Meanwhile cut the cucumber into long strips and put to soak splash a few drops of umeboshi vinegar.

3. Cut another thin slices cucumber to roll up on maki at the end after being cut. 4.Tostar

piece of nori in a pan or directly over the flame of fire until the color changes from green algae to a dark brown.

5. Place the nori with the rough side up, above the mat. Then take rice with a uniform thickness and strips of vegetables in one end so that the wrap are in the center. Tighten when rewinding.

6. Cut into slices and wrap with cucumber sheet.



tempeh 200gr 100gr. boiled soba noodles.
sesame oil 1 Tbsp.
1 sliced \u200b\u200bonion.
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 / 2 tablespoon rice vinegar pickles
1 tablespoon minced ginger.
6 small sheets of nori seaweed
½ peeled and seeded cucumber into thin slices
wasabi, soy sauce and ginger pickles to serve


1. Cut the tempeh into strips (pre-fry each side until golden brown)

2. Boil the noodles in a saucepan with water, drain and pass on the cold water. Mix the noodles with chives, soy sauce, vinegar and ginger.

3. Place a sheet of nori on sushi mat (shiny side down), spread 1 / 6 part of the mix of noodles, distributing over 1 / 6 of the strips of cucumber and then a layer of strips of tempeh.

4. Roll it with the help of the mat. Continue this process by lifting the mat as you go and maintaining a smooth, even pressure. Dampen the end of the sheet of nori to seal the roll.

5. Remove the roll from mat and cut into 4 pieces with a sharp knife dipped after each cut. Repeat the same with the rest of the ingredients. Serve with a balance of soy, wasabi and pickled ginger.


Ingredients: 250 gr
brown rice. Hot

250 g rice noodles.
1 avocado. Seitan
1 ball

sesame oil 1 Zanahoria.ç
1 / 4 red cabbage 2
Nori Seaweed.

For Seasoning: 50 cc
rice vinegar.

salt Preparation:

1. First you must prepare the rice and reserve.

2. In plenty of boiling water cook the noodles for 1 minute until transparent.

3. Passing cool water and let marinate in rice vinegar. Drain well.

4. Seitan cut into strips and brown in a skillet.

6. Cut the avocado and grated carrot.

7. Once we have prepared all the ingredients begin to assemble the sushi with the help of the mat.

8. First you must put the rice on the nori

9. Turn and place the seaweed rice noodles flavored with rice vinegar.

10. Place filling in center of avocado, grated carrot and seitan.

11. Roll with the technique of Maki sushi.

12. Book cold sealing is completed well and then cut diagonally. SUSHI


Of course, this is a sushi making in summer. If that is too yin for some tastes and conditions, you can substitute coconut milk rice milk and pineapple and kiwi pear and prunes.

1 can coconut milk
1 / 2 cup water
1 / 2 cup brown rice
1 vanilla bean, halved and seeded green
2 kiwis , peeled and diced 4 slices pineapple

1 1 / 2 cups sweetened flaked coconut and toasted molasses


1. Mix coconut milk, water, rice, vanilla bean and seeds in a medium saucepan.

2. Warm medium until it starts to boil.

3. Reduce heat and continue cooking for 40 or 45 minutes until liquid is absorbed.

4. Remove the vanilla pod and leave at room temperature until cool.

5. Place rice on the sushi mat and spread it into a rectangle. Put the kiwi in the middle of rice. Repeat with strips of pineapple, ensuring that the fruits are touching.

6. Use the mat to wrap. Wrap tightly and refrigerate 2 hours.

7. Remove plastic and cover the sushi rolling it in the press a little toasted coconut. Cut the ends and then cut into slices.

8. 4 dessert dishes Garnish with raspberry puree and cream carob.


Ingredients 1 package of tofu, shoyu

crushed dried peppers, dried onions, rosemary, parsley, thyme, dill, olive oil

spring water

1. Cut the tofu into thin slices

2. broth to prepare a marinated in herbs, shoyu, a little water, a splash of olive oil.

3. leave the tofu to soak in the broth a couple of hours

4. Serve as serve traditional sashimi.

sushi WITH FISH:
All above can also fill with fish according to traditional Japanese recipe. I personally recommend fresh fish from the bay in which we live (in the case of salmon, can be bought from sustainable fisheries) and using species that are not endangered (tuna is). CARITA

SUSHI (not vegetarian):

A sushi chef named Kawasumi expert Sensei came up to Obama's face in a sushi. Not that Obama is no reference to me, but I think a true work of art, fun food
This invention was key ingredients such as brown rice for the skin, lip small shrimp, sesame seeds, black hair, and others.

SUSHI COUS-COUS (not vegetarian)

½ cucumber, cut into 5 pieces
thick strips of smoked salmon 225g
125g of cous-cous
integral 1corteza of lemon and a tablespoon. coffee juice Sea salt

1 bunch fresh cilantro 3 sheets of nori
Ginger Wasabi Shoyu


1. Roll the smoked salmon on cucumber sticks and put them in the fridge.

2. Put the couscous in boiling water twice semolina with bark and lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Turn off the water and let to swell.

3. Add the finely chopped fresh cilantro to cous-cous.

4. Place the sheet of nori on the bamboo mat with the brightest part down.

5. Spread a thin layer firmly packed cous-cous on the nori and fill the middle with strips of salmon and cucumber.

6. Add a bit of pickled ginger and roll, While sealing the edges with a little water.

7. Cut the sushi with a sharp knife to slice.

TIP: You can substitute couscous and quinoa.

. Licencia de Creative Commons
Nutrition for Health by Agnès Emmanuelle Perez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License .


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