Saturday, November 13, 2010

What Goes In Red Biohazard Bags


economic crises that threaten most countries to a greater or lesser degree, are consequences of the desperate attempt, by those with economic or political power to maintain the stability of a system which is inevitably destined to lose control. It is vain to suppose that the simple application of drastic measures against the weaker economies, and the adoption of successive economic plans, be able to regain control of this diabolical system. Thousands of people, yet they believe that the situation will improve when it is actually impossible to halt the catastrophic trend growing in this system exclusively dominated by economic values.

Although governmental and social measures taken can not be trusted blindly in the monetary system, completely unpredictable to ordinary people. Given this situation, the best way to deal with crisis Continuing is to apply self-control regardless of the resources that count each individual. This capability is the physiological capacity, internal and required at each existing / a. It is, in reality, the strategic use of our vital reserves to establish a stronger relationship with the monetary system and its dominant values, which are the price and money.

Money is the material strength of the system. It is an indispensable element in modern life. But what is the mode of applying physical force to obtain a minimum of monetary power? Is there an obvious secret to make money? Is it possible to take advantage of favorable economic crisis?

If you look carefully, there are a simple approach, useful and practical for us to relate to these forms of fraudulent and inflationary economy.

Everything has a price within our system relative. Formerly, there was a difference between price and value of anything, but now it no longer exists and only has value as priceless.

What is priceless is worthless. Values \u200b\u200bsuch as love, freedom, necessity, health, happiness and satisfaction are purely commercial today, gaining value by its price alone.

Clearly we can not deny the role of money as it relates to everything we encounter. He is the confirmation of the value of all material and physical aspects of the manifestations of the relative world, indispensable, therefore, for any activity. The problem is the excessive inclination toward the trend of opting for material and monetary solutions because they make money is representative of almost all human possibilities.

Although we can not ignore the existence and importance of money, nor can we let our reality be reduced only to material aspects of money. It is amazing the degree of dependence we get from birth to death we are conditioned / as for the money and the ability economic. This pathological dependence, which almost no one escapes, it is exactly the reason for the despair of millions of people. It is frightening, for example, note that a delivery can cost around 2000-3000 dollars for being performed in a hospital, that regardless of the growing trend to perform caesarean sections, which are profitable and promote hospital efficiency , and do not take into account the traumatic effects on the mother and baby. It is not only the loss, increasing the female condition that affects the c-section, but the strong economic influence of these surgeries, that even though we know that childbirth is a physiological function, domestic and free, more basic confirmation of the sentimental possibilities of women. The labor market is destroying the original condition of women, transferring the vital foundations of family responsibility to a hospital pathology transaction.

A major attraction of money is also freedom: freedom to eat, freedom to live, to possess things, to solve problems quickly, freedom to be free, to gain independence. When we look deeper we see that freedom is related to the need. For example, when you feel great need to imagine that this money will bring you more freedom, you are mistaken, simply transferring your volviéndoos DePencier and more slaves. As we have seen, the necessary things are more related to free and not the monetary unit. Can you feel independent when someone becomes a slave / to the money?

Reality shows otherwise, that is, who gets less dependent on money to do what you need, learning to live with the minimum required is who else is free. The key to discovering how to make money even amid the economic crisis is to distinguish strategically how to use the money you have: Why things necessary or most desirable? We will need much money to get the most necessary and satisfying, but as always wanted will be more expensive and provide less satisfaction. The satisfaction of needs is used more than the satisfaction of desires.

Food is a simple example from everyday life. To achieve adequate nutrition, enough to recognize the food they need and empowering, with vitality and increase our immunity. These foods are comprehensive and inexpensive, it is not necessary to be eating at all hours. Two or three meals a day is enough if we use properly. When you feel the need to eat based on a desire, at all times, so rich and out of control you spend money unnecessarily, wasting your physical ability. Nutrition is the basis of self-control by allowing us to recognize our habits of consumption, not only of food but things we need or want in general.

who eats based on their needs have better health, while those who consume unnecessary things spends a lot of money and ill at ease. Health is very economical for those who best meets their own needs, so he has less money and use it according to their needs known, has more physiological level and who have more spending unnecessarily wasted and pathologically.

Using this criterion, we recognize once more the strategic value of the balance with minimal financial investment, we can have a maximum life satisfaction. Thus we see that people are falling into unnecessary consumption, still feeling unsatisfied, sick and dependent

is not money that brings happiness, his best use is determined by the criterion by which we use . Clearly this is the secret to surviving any monetary crisis: A MINIMUM OF CAPITAL INVESTED FOR MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE AND VITALITY . This simple approach works physiologically can be applied immediately to any aspect of life, contrary to economic theories pathological and inexplicable. These theories Sivenas only to feed a voracious consumption that makes individuals more dependent, apart from wasting money irresponsibly forces would be most useful in the lives of all / as.



Licencia de Creative Commons
Nutrition for Health by Agnès Emmanuelle Perez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License .


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