Thursday, November 11, 2010

Aka Interest Letter Samples

Who has seen the wind? - Christina Rossetti

There is a book I usually pick up during any season. The title I like very little but what is in the book is not bad. We present a selection of writers and distributes each one of the texts (whether poetry, stories, fragments ...) and left in the season appropriate. So I met Cristina Rossetti in autumn, and winter ... (some authors to be repeated). Interestingly Wiltman Walt is one of them (you may need to see that the writer is American) in almost all stations appear, but you can also find Thomas Hardy, Edith Wharton, Aesop (We often this is also ).... Arthur Conan Doyle, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Lewis Carroll ... But the nice thing is open the book and find with stories that speak to you one day like that " chasing you" in your daily life. As this poem Rossetti wind ... we here a few days where the wind seems to be especially prominent. After thinking and the book in hand, (and also tea-Irish Cream) I remember that I usually choose books for certain months of the year. For example, there are books as some of Gaskell, Dickens , Brontë, Eliot ... I prefer to abandon them in winter or in the months of Autumn. Then there are others who leave for spring, summer ... And there ... I always reread in a particular time of year. I also so with some films I've seen. Some of them seem more appropriate when you have a blanket in hand. But despite sometimes think so ... ... I find myself watching a movie in the spring in which the characters that appear are celebrating Christmas and going to the top of clothes ... but anyway ... is less common.

This morning, before taking time to read and spending some time here ... I got up early and I walked the streets of my city ... and very early I found cars in the seventies and I've come to realize ... what will be filming a scene in Tell me ... usually come here often. And indeed, I found the cameras and between them have spent to get to where I usually buy bread when not working. Today ... bread with raisins and nuts ...¡¡ I can not help! Every time I see him I get a small bar (thankfully not always go to this bakery).

Well I will continue reading this collection of readings that suggests Harold Bloom in his book. And I'll also thinking about getting a selection of stories to read certain seasons. Maybe I'll repeat a lot with some authors like Harold Bloom passes. Indeed, the book is entitled "Stories and poems extremely intelligent children of all ages " (me, personally, I check the title back, but the content I like something else, although as I say , everyone can make their own "book-book" of stories and / or poetry that you remember particularly certain time of year.)

By the way ... I can not wait to finish the book that I have been reading (mostly from September). I like it a lot.


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