Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Does Uterine Prolapse Hurt

If you tell me a story I'm

What story we have today? Here are the answers-questions (because it leads to an answer, ie the story if or whether to count) of children who walk by the "moments" of my life. The look and they see in me someone who sometimes, they tell stories. Sometimes they are content with a short story, very short and others are in high demand ... do not let me until I open the box and let the stories take out another.

Today I want to tell these stories ... they say something rather than enter the world of imagination ... I have thought a couple of them ...

... One is "The princes blue fade "Teresa Guiménez (this, strangely enough, my mother gave me long ago). And it's those stories that you want to continue giving.
is about a girl who says it has to wait for his Prince Charming ... and it never comes .... So one day he decides to wait no more ... and begins to discover herself. So when waits for no man ... gets that someone is colored, ie, not just blue ... but green, yellow, purple ... and curiously, is wonderfully imperfect. Well, I have ripped quite a story, but worth reading.

The other is called "A Little Red Riding Hood" by Marjolaine Leray ... y. .. enough said. Warn you that not only has the end of the story we know by tradition. It's hilarious and images. This was the gift of a very special friend.

This year's International Day Gender Violence , I wanted to spend not only mothers but also to those children with bewildered eyes wondering if I tell a story ... They are also the protagonists of the violence that is still looming in our lives ...

As data, this year seventy women died in Spain, counting from the end of November last year ... We need to add five children (including a sixteen-years). In total seventy-five violence. To think ...


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