Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Swollen Ankles And Hives

always coming this time, I usually remember back to one of the writers that shaped my childhood - adolescence ... She is Lucy Maud Montgomery. One day like today, the last day of November, was born a woman would offer a few characters for the enjoyment of the imagination of many. At this time of night, I think how wonderful that must be the life of Maud (it seems that this was how he liked to hear his name). Tonight, before going to bed, I picked a couple of books he wrote. One of them bought in Prince Edward Island. It's one of those teen books (which has never been translated, to my knowledge ... and I doubt that one day we do), and they say it is the story that comes closest to your life. called Pat of Silver Bush . And about a girl named Patricia Gardiner, who is in love with the area where he lives, and the house ... called Silver Bush. And from what I read on the back cover of the book (in English of course), speaks of those places that never seem to change anything, but really, everything changes around them. I have not read so I can tell you no more. I hope someday anime ...
Another of his books I've chosen for tonight, is Anne of Avonlea , in the chapter that I started randomly shows a very interesting conversation about education ... It seems that thousands of years separate us (at least over a hundred other), since Anne proposes a teaching that are not maltreated What children think the Anne ....¿ today if he were in one of the schools I've visited this month? You may feel a bit strange seeing as direct students to the teachers .... But I'm sure it would be full of great patience and determination ... The truth is that I love to see it ...
The photos are of a servant when I was in the IPE (hope I can come back and enjoy the scenery so beautiful again, it's worth just being there, sitting across the sea and watch the sunset ...). The house, which appears is where I used to go visit the family of his mother's side. There he met a cousin with whom he had a lot of respect and close by is the shimmering lake waters ... There is a sign that indicates. The house is pretty good, but here not write the books of Anne of Greengables, that made it so famous ... but this house was very important to her. Here he spent many of the happiest moments of his life. The above picture corresponds to an area near the house where he grew up (In which only the foundations remain because it caught fire) and a bookstore. Following the path (of the second picture) ... you get to the sea and the dunes ... is one of the most beautiful landscapes I've ever seen.
A video of pictures of her, I never really thought me well, physically, ... when a teenager I read his books ... Click here to view video.

Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Make A Waffle Headband

The strange war between drug traffickers and police in Rio de Janeiro: Documentary and Cordel Literature for discussion.

"mulher não ter filhos prune
qui or Brazil
demais já tem
matam as brazilian mãe com
infernais drugs as
eo Paiz dezabitado
purchases multinacionais "
Jota Rodriguez - Os da fruit violence

As String Literature, a type of folk poetry of Brazilian popular feature politicians and President Lula, support the actions of the police against the favelas (or as they call it, "against drug traffickers.") These policies and their true intentions, as we know, is always difficult to decipher at all, even considering the levels of rampant corruption in public institutions in that country.
But surely that's not the biggest problem is Brazil, more as poverty and inequality, as in all of America as worldwide. After the brilliant glass, the garotiñas smiling and pristine beaches lies a social reality segregation, inequality, politics and shady deals that obscure the ways of looking at these people.
tried searching
some information to try to explain a little problem and I really felt without much authority to the subject more deeply ReFirme, so will appeal only to my own experience in that country, and invite reflection by two materials: a documentary a scan a few brochures of Cordel Literature I bought in Brazil while studying at school.
Well, first I think we should think not only in relation Narcos - Police (very close, even fraternal, I venture to say), but also in the interests behind it: the panorama shows 968 favelas (Rio de Janeiro) for the year 2010 , where some of them have up to 400,000 inhabitants. The number of people, and huge inequalities in people living in the flat part of the city is a breeding ground for any kind of social rebellion and confrontation, no doubt, calls into question the activities that come to the country, and how happy politicians and investors put: World Cup (2014), for example. Similarly, for these activities again focused the international spotlight on Brazilian social policies, especially when this is one of the promising economic giant to the neo-liberalism in America. Is it a coincidence
in this context the government even think to regain control of these immensely populated areas? A good excuse is, without doubt, use the display of the war against drug traffickers.
eye! The police explained to CNN that after the shock group of police, a special command had been militarily occupied the place and devoted to social work ... would be good to question what social change is expected when those who help you do sub-rifle in hand.
Moreover, as the Brazilian economic potential has grown, just as it has the value of land, adding to this southeastern Brazil that has always been the richest, and the tourism potential in the case Rio de Janeiro is overwhelming, without a doubt that real estate companies are like crazy hoping to build in any area of \u200b\u200bRio, especially the privileged geographical area of \u200b\u200bthe hills overlooking the sea ... surprise! are occupied by favelas.
Ultimately, this is the material I share for those interested to join the debate and look - as we like to readers and editors of The Freethinker loose leaf - so acidic, and between "his eyebrows" policies this fraternal country:

1) documentary "Notícias de uma particular war" (1999) by João Moreira Salles and Katia Lund. This documentary
shows the views of both the police and traffickers and favela about the conflict. Unfortunately I found the documentary subtitled in English, but I leave a version with English subtitles. I did not find any official site of the documentary, if someone finds some direction please share it.

2) Two books Cordel Literature Poems written by Jack Rodriguez, who found no information on the web, but scans found the address and some phone numbers from the time the gained ( 2001, if I remember correctly), the titles are "O drama dus Favelas "(1963) and" Os da fruits violence "(undated). These two works belong to a type of literature originating in Portugal and Spain, but has a great impact on Brazilian popular classes since colonial times. I remember Don Jota Rodrigues yet told us when he presented his work, that they were easily accessible to people (on the cheap and easy to what was written), commonly sold at fairs and also sang, containing news, critical social issues. written in prose. hung from a string, hence the name. More information here .

I hope you serve the contributions. Greetings!

News of a particular war (1999) English subtitles

Cordel Literature (Click on the legend of the image to download)

dus favelados O drama - Jota Rodriguez

violence Os da fruit - Jota Rodriguez

Build A Fireplace Surround

Snow and Advent

First snowflakes! A while ago I got home ... and on the way, while buying some incense and candles to heat the area, ... who was there, we see from the shop window as small snowflakes fall . do not know why, but ... the snow is something special ... As we watched the snow fall, we smiled ... The truth is that I like very much, despite the many disorders that may cause (I hope not demasidados and we are prepared for possible accidents that sometimes happen sadly). And is that ... see snow, feel the snow around me, me relax, and feel that is like the beginning of a new time. For this land is not very common ... but we have a few years, in which we usually visit a couple of times ... I hope you do not run in one day ...

now at home, look out the window and watch the flakes fall ... lame again, I'm finishing this book (and I hope to speak soon ...). I also accompanied a hot cinnamon tea ...

Since yesterday Advent has begun .... This is one of the times of the year that I like. It is a time of hope, ... We expect
Christmas is becoming increasingly close ...

The initial image is an illustration of Beatrix Potter ... When was the last time in London, I was lucky to see his original drawings in the Victoria & Albert Museum. And some of the first books that she herself designed. To make them more accessible to children.
And the pictures I have made this afternoon before he left the sun ...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Does Uterine Prolapse Hurt

If you tell me a story I'm

What story we have today? Here are the answers-questions (because it leads to an answer, ie the story if or whether to count) of children who walk by the "moments" of my life. The look and they see in me someone who sometimes, they tell stories. Sometimes they are content with a short story, very short and others are in high demand ... do not let me until I open the box and let the stories take out another.

Today I want to tell these stories ... they say something rather than enter the world of imagination ... I have thought a couple of them ...

... One is "The princes blue fade "Teresa Guiménez (this, strangely enough, my mother gave me long ago). And it's those stories that you want to continue giving.
is about a girl who says it has to wait for his Prince Charming ... and it never comes .... So one day he decides to wait no more ... and begins to discover herself. So when waits for no man ... gets that someone is colored, ie, not just blue ... but green, yellow, purple ... and curiously, is wonderfully imperfect. Well, I have ripped quite a story, but worth reading.

The other is called "A Little Red Riding Hood" by Marjolaine Leray ... y. .. enough said. Warn you that not only has the end of the story we know by tradition. It's hilarious and images. This was the gift of a very special friend.

This year's International Day Gender Violence , I wanted to spend not only mothers but also to those children with bewildered eyes wondering if I tell a story ... They are also the protagonists of the violence that is still looming in our lives ...

As data, this year seventy women died in Spain, counting from the end of November last year ... We need to add five children (including a sixteen-years). In total seventy-five violence. To think ...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

High Hard Closed Cervix, Cramps

The "Education Revolution" of the Right in Chile

Again the government of President Piñera surprises us with its policies that, while nothing new, taking into account policies Coalition-another surprise for her honesty: "We are introducing changes to the content, incorporating more effective methods, much more productive."

And of course, between the productive obviously not find the hours devoted to the study of history and the Cs. Social. That is why education in schools, even the quietest gave a cry to heaven against this measure, as threatened, labor supply, since the solution raised by the Minister (and the bill is urgently , to be approved soon) proposes the reduction of 1 hour in the minimum weekly number of hours the course of history, from 5 º to 1 º Medio.
Thus, the discussions quickly began the mails of the courses of the careers of History and, shortly afterwards, most of the arguments that surfaced had to do with defending the professional interests, and nothing else than that: even many said that was inconsistent which raised the minister of education, as it was certain that this would improve education.
In short, the following is a score that was written to begin the debate in the Faculty of History PUCV, and seeks to regulate the ideas and demonstrate that the real conflict is not about special interest to teachers history, but something much more profound and complex, and concerns the teachers and citizens of Chile and the world.

International Context

First, there must be clear that these reforms are global events, not isolated: Consider further that Chile formally joined - in February this year - OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, known as "The Rich Country Club"), which implies meet economic and social policies being developed by the governments of the consultation.
addition, several countries are undertaking reforms to education, and always at the back of educators: remember that for the mobilizations of 2006 simultaneously in Brazil and Mexico had problems similar themes. Just as the protests today in Italy, Bulgaria and England have the attention of mass media.
Nor should we raise this as a minister Lavin occurrence or less like the anti-fashion stance pineapple. This is a conflict that has been carrying for several years and where the coalition and its policies do not make a difference, but on the contrary: the only difference is that the new right-wing government have the comfort of saying things by name without fear of reproach, they comply with the image they project and what is expected of the policy stance.

Reform Features in Chile

These reforms are added - at the current government - a series of measures that have arisen post the ruling on the quality of education , a questionable concept, since no one know precisely what we mean by this, but all the demand.
Among the measures that had already been carried out is that of "traffic lights in education", which was labeled to each school in the country with a color (red, yellow and green) according to their "quality", ie according to scores on tests SIMCE. As well as Grant Vocation Teacher, which seeks to encourage the study of pedagogy by paying $ 80,000 monthly to students, paying careers and internships abroad; clear that to qualify for this you need a score on 700 points (for full benefits), which shows that this stimulus will in most private schools for students of higher and resources, as are most in reaching these scores, and poor students, however , which will be least meet these scores, thus increasing the gap of inequality in our country (which is growing).
What is projected with the new reform, which will be presented on November 22 and should be implemented from 2011 is among several measures such as bonuses and wage increases to some teachers, as well as creation of "schools of excellence." Measures that ultimately do not go beyond the rhetoric in many cases, because as the president: "(these measures) will improve the prestige and dignity of the teacher" or "proxies given clear and accurate results their children and their neighborhood stores, so they can make free and informed decisions " thus trying to solve a conflict that has spent years in education, and has to do with the commitment of parents to educate their children and the educational establishment. In short, a series of contradictions and inaccuracies that achieve nothing more than providing beautiful words ... but these are carried by the wind.
In fact, just ask any education text (written by teachers) to realize that one of the biggest hurdles for an educational project to be successful has to do with the commitment of parents with the educational establishment is say, a learning community strong, cohesive around a common goal regarding education.
This decline, moreover, does not pass another measure to end the Transversal Fundamental Objectives subjects with more processors and aimed to develop empathy, respect for diversity, solidarity. and questioning the reality and raise alternative futures. The battle lost civics classes in history, who lost the battle music, art and even philosophy - the mother of all sciences, is a clear example of this: today is history, by a simple discard, but the problem is of all education, not only for teachers of history.
In regard to the regards, this time about the decline in minimum hours in History and Cs. Social, the idea is simple: The Ministry of Education seeks to implement the New Curriculum readjust the minimum hours of instruction per week for each subject, for courses 5 º-1 Middle . The subjects would receive more hours Mathematics, Language and Communication and English, at the expense of hours of History, Geo. And Cs. Social.
In numbers, Mathematical increase (from 5 ° to 1 Middle) 320 hrs., 480 hrs and English Language 80 hours. The
arguments for these changes are posted on the website of the Ministry of Education:

"The increased time available to give teachers an opportunity to address their students to greater exercise in math and help them develop skills own thinking in this discipline. Having more time will also address the diversity of its students, providing specific activities for different levels and learning styles.
Regarding language this increase will give them greater opportunities to focus on reading, spend an hour on a visit to the library (CRA), practice oral language skills in presentation and discussion activities and develop pupils abundant activities related to the production of written texts.
The increase in 5 th and 6 th grade English hours of initiation affectionate foster the acquisition of communication skills in this language. "

These arguments generate a series of questions, which have to do with the real interest behind this speech. It is first necessary to assume that it is certainly true that 95.7% of Chileans who can read and write, a large percentage is what today is called "illiterate functional ", namely that although literate, unable to spin the ideas that these texts will provide, nor has the ability to criticize, deepen or understand what is transmitted through the texts. This is definitely a problem that concerns both the subject of Language and the History (two of which involve critical reading and reflective). But this is not solved with more hours devoted to young people visit the LRC (Learning Resource Center), but coping with the enormous amount of stimuli that people receive on a daily basis (Internet, television, movies, etc.) and Returning unattractive reading. However much you spend hours at the subject language and communication, they will not be effective unless it attacks the root of the problem: a little company committed to education, with very few skills to autocultivarse developed to be self-taught.
Similarly, overtime Mathematics is just a screen to improve the numbers of tests do not measure the most important thing in education, which has to do with the quality of people in it are developed and their creative capacity, as expected, should be encouraged by schools. These changes are just looking to get "better results" in evidence, as has been shown, are just data, they have no real problems to do with the few hours of classes, but what they become unattractive and school mathematics for children and for society.
Finally, one wonders how much real interest in the quality of education posed by politicians, it seems that more interest is to end instances to develop critical and reflective skills in schools, in this way obtained as a result people who meet certain functions and orders of their superiors (who interestingly studied in other schools where they taught "to be the bosses") and the political, economic and cultural dominant (if culturally as well, as for something also increase the hours of English).
addition, one wonders if at some point raised in these reforms so that educators know as very crucial when teaching, and that goes beyond mere review of content: Transversal Fundamental Objectives and Skills. These two concepts have been neglected in these reforms so from a first reading and is sensed that does not seek a better education but clearly an improvement in test results .
In conclusion, and as stated in one of the World Social Forum: "We must move from protest to proposal, it is necessary that the country's teachers are not left alone to face the extent of Lavin minister, but to propose new ways of conducting education in Chile.
country's education must be guaranteed and funded by the state, but this should not influence its policies or guidelines, as this depends on what you determine education specialists, not politicians, not useless educational policies that change its course every 4 years as the pace of policy Government, education is a process on a large scale, long term, not a stimulus-response situation.
critical junctures and promote debate on education departing from the interest of the teachers themselves, and that they are fully committed to transforming education, critical and reflective.
If we believe that these reforms are not necessary, it's probably because we have not realized the reality in which we are immersed, which suffocates us daily and restrict our freedom, otherwise things would not happen as
- expulsion of immigrants and Gypsies in Europe (a few decades to complete the fateful War 2 World)
-Rape and lowering of Workers' Rights, where wages are obtained as a result very poor, hours of strenuous work and tragic accidents (the 33 miners, road accidents due to excessive working hours for drivers, large unemployment rates).
-militarization of territories against indigenous movements for their rights and their land.
decision-making by politicians and businessmen, where citizenship is not consulted, and must abide the consequences.
-strong police repression against students and workers, which demand causes.
-Privatization of public enterprises and profit through education.

All these things certainly that would be challenged with any degree of historical consciousness and identity, things that are driven by learning the history and development of critical skills, analytical and processing.

Finally leave a video, which helps supplement what has already been argued,

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why Does It Burn To Have A Menstrual Cycle

Cranford - Elizabeth Gaskell

Has anyone ever seen a cow pajamas? Or have you heard about someone who put a tea shop at home to leave a financial hardship? Do you have the need to reread letters from the past? Or have read " Papers Pickwick "of Dickens and thought it worth reading? All this and more happens in Cranford. A small town with very peculiar people, while just flows. Most of the people who make this society are women who have had to cope alone. Although there are social differences marked by the time they live and Victorian morality, there is also strong bond that makes these differences will be diluted.
long ago I read the book, but I could not avoid returning to read it while I watched the show.

In Cranford (book) I can say that I liked it more this time than the last time I read it ... I do not know why. I thought a lot about Elizabeth Gaskell, in his hometown ( Knutsford ), which they say is really Cranford (although the series is another place Lacock in Wiltshire), their daughters, care had to the weakest (I think it was the first social workers) ... Also, name a lot in this novel to his friend Charles Dickens, and especially some of his books. And ironically bring about this "new writer" into a world where they may still not quite ready to understand. Also allowed the luxury of using his nickname, Boz, perhaps to give more publicity or just praise. The truth is that reading this book I felt more curious about his life, his thoughts, concerns ... of this great woman.

While reading the book, and thought of the writer and his praise of simple, everyday life, I realized the great value of this story narrative. First how to tell: it's as if someone who no longer is on the streets ... or that long ago that you do not, remember those moments and brings together all those moments in small fragments of stories that are intertwined with each other. First described Cranford society (with their ladies, maids, and the occasional gentleman). Then stops especially in a pair of sisters, the Misses Jenkins, and thus, leads the voice that narrates the other characters. That voice is the St. Smith who just speaks for itself.

Cranford series is based on three books: one bearing the same name as the series: Cranford, another is called Lady Ludlow and finally are the the "Confessions of Dr. Harrison." These three books are also within a single called " Cranford Chronicles " ... (What a mess!, But the truth is that the series is well basted, and there seems to be three books ... or maybe more ...).
anecdotally, in the series appears the daughter of Judy Dench. I let you discover it ... in the midst of the characters that make Cranford.

books are in the thousands of moments when I think that little can be happy. In addition to capitalizing on those small weaknesses that we all have here ... detail the usual mania, or that they do not support the other. Some people need to see the candles of equal size, others hate to see as you take more butter as needed and the surplus back to the left in the same container from which I came ... Or maybe, who can not see that waste paper, etc ... We all have little things we "take out of proportion" and know why.

But in this small society, which expects visits (that sometimes never arrive), and while waiting with her cap in place, or read or do crochet ... A stop at some point because there is more above all that sustains social norms, of what should or should not do ... And that ultimately lead to name the love .... Of all the ways one can imagine ... From the romantic love even the smallest gesture of friendship. One out thinking ... why not send read these books in school / colleges? What difficulties and taboos prevent us?

'm currently going through the schools to talk about PREVENTING ng violence ... And I see that violence is everywhere ... That not know how to explain each other to stick at a time Anger is normal ... That life has other priorities (economic?) that the world revolves around other ideals (consumerism ??)... And when I talk about gender inequality, all agree with the "beautiful and good words" ... but when they appear gestures concrete or speak in their language, their nearest or put everyday examples of their environment very ... then yes ... it appears the rationale, victimization, which increases a life without any improvement because there is no learning ... . Anyway ... they are good kids and kids, but there is so much to do !!!... I have gone a little quite the topic ... and may not have understood what he meant, but ultimately, what I come to say is that today Cranford would be good ... That is a current reading ... we can remind people that go to summer to some you and others can make us think that makes need to live a little more thinking about what I can do from here ...
As these women who help in secret when one of them what is going wrong.

left the book that I loved, because Cranford and his characters came to my mind and wanted to know more about them ... I'll keep reading to Lady Ludlow, but you will after the end of that never ends. It always seems like I have something better to read ... could it be that I quit?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

House Hold Lubes For Maserbation

"quiet the Silence" by the Radio With Science

Hello readers!
I inform you that the Radio With Science and ringing . Facebook may follow her by the name of "Conscience" or reading your blog.
Similarly, already playing on the radio program "Callando the Silence", which involved people of the loose sheets, so I invite you to hear this program live every Wednesday from 20: 00 hrs.
There have been several programs which undoubtedly will be repeated for special hours (so you have to stay tuned to radio time), among its topics: Chilean-Mapuche Conflict, Mass media and much more!.
Well, for now I announce that this Wednesday's program will begin at 20:00 hrs. and will be - just this once - a taped broadcast of the interview with the historian Sergio Grez (UCH) and Claudio Díaz (UV), where he addressed several topics (units, you can read the interview directly on this blog, previous posts).

So ...

Radio With Science: It can be heard from the Blog (Http: / / radio-conciencia.blogspot.com) or via the web address http://giss.tv:8001/radioconciencia.ogg which GoogleChrome can be opened or VLC player.

Any questions leave a message!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Maybelline Everfresh Ivory

CREATIVE sushi (vegetarian / vegan AND FISH )

These recipes inspired by Japanese cuisine has two essential changes to get healthier, one is to remove the sugar that usually have the usual ingredients, and another is made from brown rice instead of white.
There are different types of sushi. The best known are:

Maki Maki Japanese for wind. They are made with foil of seaweed (nori) is black. They taste and soft texture and a delicate and creative aesthetics. Inside can be filled with vegetable protein (tofu, tempeh, seitan, vegetables), seaweed, vegetables such as cucumbers, avocado and all that the imagination of self. ROLL

are rolled rice as rice is out, batter and sesame seaweed and filling are inside.

nigiri rice are couches, a small and delicate oval of rice with a thin slice of fresh fish in the Japanese original recipe. Sometimes it inside wasabi (spicy green dressing.)
This type of sushi is the most common with the maki.
also can be done just with vegetables such as mango, asparagus, smoked tofu ... securing them with a strip of nori. Temaki

"Te" is Japanese for "hand" and "maki", "roll." Therefore the temaki is a kind of cone (cone-shaped). Ingredients temaki preparation are similar to those of maki. SASHIMI

are small and thin slices of fresh fish taken dipped in soy sauce with wasabi and served with boiled rice or gohan. In this article we have substituted by plant proteins.

started with a nice and very explanatory video of Eva Agulo so you can see the basic process for enrolling them:

Vegan Recipes



1 cup brown rice 2 cups water

Vegetable Nori scalded (carrots, cucumber, avocado, smoked tofu)
rice vinegar Salt

Mat bamboo.

Boil the rice with salt (brown rice takes approximately 45mn) over low heat. Meanwhile cut the vegetables into strips and make grilled tofu, also cut into long strips.

When the rice is to the point (rather soft but not broken), allow to cool to room temperature and sprinkled with a dash of rice vinegar.

piece Toast nori in a pan or directly over the flame of fire until the color changes from green algae to a dark brown.

Place nori, with the rough side up, above the mat. Then pour the rice with a uniform thickness and strips of vegetables at one end so that the wrap are in the center. Tighten when rewinding and put in the fridge for all the mass is compacted. When cool enough (1 hour) cut into 2 cm slices. thick.

Serve with soy sauce and some hot as wasabi (Japanese green horseradish). Temaki



nori seaweed rice 300g
White cabbage 1 carrot

umeboshi paste soy sauce


1. Boil rice.

2. Cut the veggies: shredded carrot and cabbage very thin half moons.

3. Form rice balls knead with your hands. Next, cut nori into four rectangles and moisten with a little water.

4. Join cones: Extending the nori strips on a mat. Spread over rice balls, strips of carrot and cucumber slices. Roll the strips of algae forming cones and serve with soy sauce. Makis



1 cup brown rice 2 cups water

1 cucumber
carrot Ume-su (umeboshi vinegar)

1. Boil rice with salt (brown rice takes approximately 45mn) over low heat.

2. Meanwhile cut the cucumber into long strips and put to soak splash a few drops of umeboshi vinegar.

3. Cut another thin slices cucumber to roll up on maki at the end after being cut. 4.Tostar

piece of nori in a pan or directly over the flame of fire until the color changes from green algae to a dark brown.

5. Place the nori with the rough side up, above the mat. Then take rice with a uniform thickness and strips of vegetables in one end so that the wrap are in the center. Tighten when rewinding.

6. Cut into slices and wrap with cucumber sheet.



tempeh 200gr 100gr. boiled soba noodles.
sesame oil 1 Tbsp.
1 sliced \u200b\u200bonion.
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 / 2 tablespoon rice vinegar pickles
1 tablespoon minced ginger.
6 small sheets of nori seaweed
½ peeled and seeded cucumber into thin slices
wasabi, soy sauce and ginger pickles to serve


1. Cut the tempeh into strips (pre-fry each side until golden brown)

2. Boil the noodles in a saucepan with water, drain and pass on the cold water. Mix the noodles with chives, soy sauce, vinegar and ginger.

3. Place a sheet of nori on sushi mat (shiny side down), spread 1 / 6 part of the mix of noodles, distributing over 1 / 6 of the strips of cucumber and then a layer of strips of tempeh.

4. Roll it with the help of the mat. Continue this process by lifting the mat as you go and maintaining a smooth, even pressure. Dampen the end of the sheet of nori to seal the roll.

5. Remove the roll from mat and cut into 4 pieces with a sharp knife dipped after each cut. Repeat the same with the rest of the ingredients. Serve with a balance of soy, wasabi and pickled ginger.


Ingredients: 250 gr
brown rice. Hot

250 g rice noodles.
1 avocado. Seitan
1 ball

sesame oil 1 Zanahoria.ç
1 / 4 red cabbage 2
Nori Seaweed.

For Seasoning: 50 cc
rice vinegar.

salt Preparation:

1. First you must prepare the rice and reserve.

2. In plenty of boiling water cook the noodles for 1 minute until transparent.

3. Passing cool water and let marinate in rice vinegar. Drain well.

4. Seitan cut into strips and brown in a skillet.

6. Cut the avocado and grated carrot.

7. Once we have prepared all the ingredients begin to assemble the sushi with the help of the mat.

8. First you must put the rice on the nori

9. Turn and place the seaweed rice noodles flavored with rice vinegar.

10. Place filling in center of avocado, grated carrot and seitan.

11. Roll with the technique of Maki sushi.

12. Book cold sealing is completed well and then cut diagonally. SUSHI


Of course, this is a sushi making in summer. If that is too yin for some tastes and conditions, you can substitute coconut milk rice milk and pineapple and kiwi pear and prunes.

1 can coconut milk
1 / 2 cup water
1 / 2 cup brown rice
1 vanilla bean, halved and seeded green
2 kiwis , peeled and diced 4 slices pineapple

1 1 / 2 cups sweetened flaked coconut and toasted molasses


1. Mix coconut milk, water, rice, vanilla bean and seeds in a medium saucepan.

2. Warm medium until it starts to boil.

3. Reduce heat and continue cooking for 40 or 45 minutes until liquid is absorbed.

4. Remove the vanilla pod and leave at room temperature until cool.

5. Place rice on the sushi mat and spread it into a rectangle. Put the kiwi in the middle of rice. Repeat with strips of pineapple, ensuring that the fruits are touching.

6. Use the mat to wrap. Wrap tightly and refrigerate 2 hours.

7. Remove plastic and cover the sushi rolling it in the press a little toasted coconut. Cut the ends and then cut into slices.

8. 4 dessert dishes Garnish with raspberry puree and cream carob.


Ingredients 1 package of tofu, shoyu

crushed dried peppers, dried onions, rosemary, parsley, thyme, dill, olive oil

spring water

1. Cut the tofu into thin slices

2. broth to prepare a marinated in herbs, shoyu, a little water, a splash of olive oil.

3. leave the tofu to soak in the broth a couple of hours

4. Serve as serve traditional sashimi.

sushi WITH FISH:
All above can also fill with fish according to traditional Japanese recipe. I personally recommend fresh fish from the bay in which we live (in the case of salmon, can be bought from sustainable fisheries) and using species that are not endangered (tuna is). CARITA

SUSHI (not vegetarian):

A sushi chef named Kawasumi expert Sensei came up to Obama's face in a sushi. Not that Obama is no reference to me, but I think a true work of art, fun food
This invention was key ingredients such as brown rice for the skin, lip small shrimp, sesame seeds, black hair, and others.

SUSHI COUS-COUS (not vegetarian)

½ cucumber, cut into 5 pieces
thick strips of smoked salmon 225g
125g of cous-cous
integral 1corteza of lemon and a tablespoon. coffee juice Sea salt

1 bunch fresh cilantro 3 sheets of nori
Ginger Wasabi Shoyu


1. Roll the smoked salmon on cucumber sticks and put them in the fridge.

2. Put the couscous in boiling water twice semolina with bark and lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Turn off the water and let to swell.

3. Add the finely chopped fresh cilantro to cous-cous.

4. Place the sheet of nori on the bamboo mat with the brightest part down.

5. Spread a thin layer firmly packed cous-cous on the nori and fill the middle with strips of salmon and cucumber.

6. Add a bit of pickled ginger and roll, While sealing the edges with a little water.

7. Cut the sushi with a sharp knife to slice.

TIP: You can substitute couscous and quinoa.

. Licencia de Creative Commons
Nutrition for Health by Agnès Emmanuelle Perez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License .

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What Goes In Red Biohazard Bags


economic crises that threaten most countries to a greater or lesser degree, are consequences of the desperate attempt, by those with economic or political power to maintain the stability of a system which is inevitably destined to lose control. It is vain to suppose that the simple application of drastic measures against the weaker economies, and the adoption of successive economic plans, be able to regain control of this diabolical system. Thousands of people, yet they believe that the situation will improve when it is actually impossible to halt the catastrophic trend growing in this system exclusively dominated by economic values.

Although governmental and social measures taken can not be trusted blindly in the monetary system, completely unpredictable to ordinary people. Given this situation, the best way to deal with crisis Continuing is to apply self-control regardless of the resources that count each individual. This capability is the physiological capacity, internal and required at each existing / a. It is, in reality, the strategic use of our vital reserves to establish a stronger relationship with the monetary system and its dominant values, which are the price and money.

Money is the material strength of the system. It is an indispensable element in modern life. But what is the mode of applying physical force to obtain a minimum of monetary power? Is there an obvious secret to make money? Is it possible to take advantage of favorable economic crisis?

If you look carefully, there are a simple approach, useful and practical for us to relate to these forms of fraudulent and inflationary economy.

Everything has a price within our system relative. Formerly, there was a difference between price and value of anything, but now it no longer exists and only has value as priceless.

What is priceless is worthless. Values \u200b\u200bsuch as love, freedom, necessity, health, happiness and satisfaction are purely commercial today, gaining value by its price alone.

Clearly we can not deny the role of money as it relates to everything we encounter. He is the confirmation of the value of all material and physical aspects of the manifestations of the relative world, indispensable, therefore, for any activity. The problem is the excessive inclination toward the trend of opting for material and monetary solutions because they make money is representative of almost all human possibilities.

Although we can not ignore the existence and importance of money, nor can we let our reality be reduced only to material aspects of money. It is amazing the degree of dependence we get from birth to death we are conditioned / as for the money and the ability economic. This pathological dependence, which almost no one escapes, it is exactly the reason for the despair of millions of people. It is frightening, for example, note that a delivery can cost around 2000-3000 dollars for being performed in a hospital, that regardless of the growing trend to perform caesarean sections, which are profitable and promote hospital efficiency , and do not take into account the traumatic effects on the mother and baby. It is not only the loss, increasing the female condition that affects the c-section, but the strong economic influence of these surgeries, that even though we know that childbirth is a physiological function, domestic and free, more basic confirmation of the sentimental possibilities of women. The labor market is destroying the original condition of women, transferring the vital foundations of family responsibility to a hospital pathology transaction.

A major attraction of money is also freedom: freedom to eat, freedom to live, to possess things, to solve problems quickly, freedom to be free, to gain independence. When we look deeper we see that freedom is related to the need. For example, when you feel great need to imagine that this money will bring you more freedom, you are mistaken, simply transferring your volviéndoos DePencier and more slaves. As we have seen, the necessary things are more related to free and not the monetary unit. Can you feel independent when someone becomes a slave / to the money?

Reality shows otherwise, that is, who gets less dependent on money to do what you need, learning to live with the minimum required is who else is free. The key to discovering how to make money even amid the economic crisis is to distinguish strategically how to use the money you have: Why things necessary or most desirable? We will need much money to get the most necessary and satisfying, but as always wanted will be more expensive and provide less satisfaction. The satisfaction of needs is used more than the satisfaction of desires.

Food is a simple example from everyday life. To achieve adequate nutrition, enough to recognize the food they need and empowering, with vitality and increase our immunity. These foods are comprehensive and inexpensive, it is not necessary to be eating at all hours. Two or three meals a day is enough if we use properly. When you feel the need to eat based on a desire, at all times, so rich and out of control you spend money unnecessarily, wasting your physical ability. Nutrition is the basis of self-control by allowing us to recognize our habits of consumption, not only of food but things we need or want in general.

who eats based on their needs have better health, while those who consume unnecessary things spends a lot of money and ill at ease. Health is very economical for those who best meets their own needs, so he has less money and use it according to their needs known, has more physiological level and who have more spending unnecessarily wasted and pathologically.

Using this criterion, we recognize once more the strategic value of the balance with minimal financial investment, we can have a maximum life satisfaction. Thus we see that people are falling into unnecessary consumption, still feeling unsatisfied, sick and dependent

is not money that brings happiness, his best use is determined by the criterion by which we use . Clearly this is the secret to surviving any monetary crisis: A MINIMUM OF CAPITAL INVESTED FOR MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE AND VITALITY . This simple approach works physiologically can be applied immediately to any aspect of life, contrary to economic theories pathological and inexplicable. These theories Sivenas only to feed a voracious consumption that makes individuals more dependent, apart from wasting money irresponsibly forces would be most useful in the lives of all / as.



Licencia de Creative Commons
Nutrition for Health by Agnès Emmanuelle Perez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License .

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Post Ovulation Cervical Mucus


INVESTMENT: 45 Euros (reservation required)


1. Concepts of nutrition.

2. Food as a tool to maintain health and prevent disruptions.

3. Guidelines for change: transitional food and consumables.

4. Energy and food synergy.

5. The balance according to physical / emotional and our biological constitution.

5.1 Sex, climate, age and physical activity:

- Men / Female
- Warm-and cold-Nordic Mediterranean
- Childhood, adolescence, adulthood, pregnancy and old age.

6. Health and seasons: the 5 elements in the kitchen.

Aka Interest Letter Samples

Who has seen the wind? - Christina Rossetti

There is a book I usually pick up during any season. The title I like very little but what is in the book is not bad. We present a selection of writers and distributes each one of the texts (whether poetry, stories, fragments ...) and left in the season appropriate. So I met Cristina Rossetti in autumn, and winter ... (some authors to be repeated). Interestingly Wiltman Walt is one of them (you may need to see that the writer is American) in almost all stations appear, but you can also find Thomas Hardy, Edith Wharton, Aesop (We often this is also ).... Arthur Conan Doyle, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Lewis Carroll ... But the nice thing is open the book and find with stories that speak to you one day like that " chasing you" in your daily life. As this poem Rossetti wind ... we here a few days where the wind seems to be especially prominent. After thinking and the book in hand, (and also tea-Irish Cream) I remember that I usually choose books for certain months of the year. For example, there are books as some of Gaskell, Dickens , Brontë, Eliot ... I prefer to abandon them in winter or in the months of Autumn. Then there are others who leave for spring, summer ... And there ... I always reread in a particular time of year. I also so with some films I've seen. Some of them seem more appropriate when you have a blanket in hand. But despite sometimes think so ... ... I find myself watching a movie in the spring in which the characters that appear are celebrating Christmas and going to the top of clothes ... but anyway ... is less common.

This morning, before taking time to read and spending some time here ... I got up early and I walked the streets of my city ... and very early I found cars in the seventies and I've come to realize ... what will be filming a scene in Tell me ... usually come here often. And indeed, I found the cameras and between them have spent to get to where I usually buy bread when not working. Today ... bread with raisins and nuts ...¡¡ I can not help! Every time I see him I get a small bar (thankfully not always go to this bakery).

Well I will continue reading this collection of readings that suggests Harold Bloom in his book. And I'll also thinking about getting a selection of stories to read certain seasons. Maybe I'll repeat a lot with some authors like Harold Bloom passes. Indeed, the book is entitled "Stories and poems extremely intelligent children of all ages " (me, personally, I check the title back, but the content I like something else, although as I say , everyone can make their own "book-book" of stories and / or poetry that you remember particularly certain time of year.)

By the way ... I can not wait to finish the book that I have been reading (mostly from September). I like it a lot.