Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pokemon Cards With An R On Them


Osteoporosis is a thinning and loss of bone tissue that can result in weakness and / or acute or chronic pain in the lower back, loss of teeth due to the weakening of the supporting bone, sloping shoulders and an increased risk of fractures from falls. These fractures occur mainly in the spine, wrist and hip. In the U.S. are approximately 1.3 million fractures each year as a result of osteoporosis. Of those who suffer hip fractures, some die shortly after the fracture, while 30 percent die within a year. (These deaths can not be directly due to osteoporosis, but rather to other health related problems, including being confined to bed after the break.)

medical imaging technique most commonly used is the scanner. The person being scanned will lie on a table while a technician with a scanner passes over to measure bone density, particularly of the hips and spine. These scans are performed by an x-ray technician from the results sent to the referring physician. In the Encyclopedia "Planned Parenthood for Women's Health" the author finds: "Once osteoporosis has resulted in significant bone loss, there is no known treatment that can undo the damage, but you can prevent damage greater. "

The allopathic approach to prevent further deterioration of the bone may include hormone replacement therapy (HRT) - which is usually prescribed estrogen with progesterone, but may include calcitonin (to stop the deterioration of the bone), a medicine that stops the dissolution of new bone formed by osteoblasts, and different calcium supplements and dairy products considered rich in calcium. It's amazing the many studies showing the effectiveness of these approaches and there are many different opinions as to the type of estrogen or progesterone to take and when to take them, how much to take, and so on.

In the best case, This approach is symptomatic and has no integrative or unifying direction. The macrobiotic approach offers a clear understanding of the cause of bone loss and an approach that sees the healing of the body as a whole and highlighting specific foods for bone health while minimizing or eliminating those that are harmful.

bones and skeletal system are hard, dense and compact in relation to other body systems and therefore considers the contribution of yang in the form of whole grains, legumes, vegetables, algae and other Mineral-rich foods such as miso, soy sauce and good quality sea salt to nurture. As the bones yang, yin with the consumption of end are easily weakened by sugar, dairy products, chocolate, alcohol, vinegar, fruit juices (especially citrus fruits), alcohol, drugs and other substances expansion. Coffee, tea with caffeine, white flour, honey, oats, potatoes, tomatoes and nightshade in general, tropical fruits, and artificial sweeteners are also harmful.
The bones are governed by the element of water (kidney and bladder) and azuki bean especially feed and grains. Legumes, grains cooked under pressure and a moderate use of salt and other seasonings are the basis of adequate food. The bones are also damaged by too much yang, such as meat, eggs, poultry, all types of cheese and baked flour products like bread, biscuits, crackers and chips.

A diet based on meat, poultry, eggs, milk, dairy products, fish, refined sugar, fruit juices, saturated fats creates an acidic condition in the blood in which the body has to use the minerals stored in the bones to maintain an alkaline blood. This decrease of minerals makes the bones weak. And if this diet is carried out over a long period, osteoporosis develops. Moreover, the proper proportions of grains, vegetables, sea salt, miso, soy sauce, vegetables and seaweed derivative and together with vegetables and organically grown vegetables creates an alkaline condition in the blood. These foods are the source of the minerals that the body needs to keep bones and teeth.

If you are a starter in the macrobiotic diet, you can start protecting your bones, following the standard diet, with emphasis on whole grains instead of refined grains or flakes of cereal. Buckwheat is considered the bone fortaledor but in my experience the main grain should be short-grain rice from organic farming, millet and barley grain as an alternative. Avoid products transgenic corn cob can be eaten every day during their season. The occasional addition of a plate of buckwheat cooked vegetables or in soup, buckwheat noodles are good too. Black rice and wild rice can also be used occasionally.

wheat flour should be reduced as much as possible. Noodles can be taken several times a week in soup or fried and then. Simple sugars should be avoided and fruit should be chosen from the season and are baked or cooked (not eaten raw). Animal-source foods should be avoided with the exception of white-fleshed fish like cod, hake and sole.

The adzuki, lentils, chickpeas, black and yellow soybeans are particularly good for strengthening bones and joints. The tofu and okara (mass resulting from making tofu) are high in calcium and can be consumed regularly as well. You can also add small amounts of sweeteners to the grains, especially barley malt and amasake since both tend to increase energy and help balance the salt in the vegetables.

A small dish of seaweed cooked with vegetables from the land must be used twice a week. The Wakame can be often used in soups and chips should be cooked kombu with beans.

Collard greens, kale, turnip greens, watercress, bok choy and other leafy greens are good sources of natural calcium and should be eaten daily in quick jumps, the steamed or blanched. My favorite is the sauteed watercress but has to include a wide variety of vegetables.

Researchers at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, have found that the calcium in kale is absorbed more easily and more efficiently by the body than the calcium content in milk. In Studies of eleven women calcium absorption of 300 mg of cabbage was an average of 0,409 mg, while from a similar quantity of milk was lower absorption, ie an average of 0,321 mg of calcium. "We interpret our findings as evidence of good bioavailability of calcium in kale," the researchers concluded. Other vegetables that were included in the study were broccoli, mustard, turnip, and kale.

The Nishime (cut the vegetables and the method or rolled into large cubes and simmer for 20 minutes with a pinch of salt) is also advisable.

Among those who have practiced macrobiotics for a while and still have weak bones, I think the main problem is the excessive use of salt in all its forms - especially the excessive use of umeboshi plum paste and seasonings and sushsi. But also the use of vinegar, including good quality vinegar with rice and lemon juice on salads and salad dressings pressed mineral depleted and it is better to minimize it or avoid it. And while some consultants recommend in macrobiotic crude oil, I do not agree and think that the oil should be used only cooked.

If you are eating whole grains and vegetables, but eat baked goods, too many meals, such as cookies, cakes, cookies, fruit and bread, or too many fruit juices, tofu cream pies, and amasake, one can succeed. And even a sweet dessert cake or a week can have a detrimental effect on teeth and bones. If you use salt incorrectly, by not cooking it with food or if you use too much salt, pickles and condiments, you will not be able to stay away from / to sweets. But if you take care of every day, then you can have a long and happy life, free from osteoporosis.

While I have not emphasized suggestions on how life in this article, as part of a healing program. Forms of moderate exercise such as walking, tai-chi, yoga, some sports, as well as house cleaning, yard work, etc, are needed to improve circulation and keep energy in motion in the body. Sunbathing is a good way to absorb vitamin D, calcium fixed. And, of course, chewing is the best exercise of all and most important to keep our bones and teeth.

The macrobiotic way of eating not only prevent osteoporosis but also can re-mineralize the bones that have been damaged. According to the eyewitness testimony of Jack Gale, a woman in Atlanta who followed the standard macrobiotic diet established by Michio Kushi, along with some custom settings and suggestions to improve your lifestyle, after two years of macrobiotic practice, recent evidence showed was that his bones mineralize about 90 percent of maximum density.
Macrobiotics is, in a sense, a straight and narrow. This is a study of our physical limits and it is by understanding the limits and honored that we achieve maximum freedom.

Article by Gale Jack (Becket, MA) on November 15, 2000 with additional references to his book: "Osteoporosis: The Silent Threat."



For people who are long time macrobiotic take 40-50% of cereal can cause acidosis. The way around this apart from chewing, which few people do, gomasio always add a 1 / 10 ratio on grain
To gomasio and use it as seasoning, sesame salt ratio may range from 10 x 1 16 x 1 (x sesame salt). This should be done in accordance with the station age and consumer yin or yang / a, etc ... For an adult who is properly a ratio of 1 and 10 x 14 x 1. For a child, elder people to and yang the proportion to be used ranges from 12 x 1 16 x 1. For medicinal purposes the ratio can be lowered, in some cases, a 6 x 1 to 8 x 1.

gomasio Preparation:

1. Wash well under cold water sesame in a fine strainer. Sometimes contains small stones or grains to be removed. Allowed to dry on a tea towel.
Toast in preheated skillet over medium-low and carefully to avoid burning. Stir continuously. When the seeds start popping, and take some try to spray it with the hand between the thumb and forefinger. If you are about to be easily broken. If not, continue roasting a little more. Remove and cool on a plate not to continue roasting.

2. Salt roasting a few minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly until emanating a strong odor of chlorine disappears. There are several reasons for roasting salt. Heat the "yanguiniza" more and then be combined with oil (yin) of sesame. After the toast, salt can be sprayed more easily, allowing oil to coat each particle sesame salt.

3. It is practically impossible to prepare adequately without a gomasio Suribachi (mortar striatum). Place the desired amount of sesame seeds and salt in a mortar and slowly squeeze the mixture on the ridges in a circular motion. All the art of preparing a good gomasio lies in the milling process.


* In the blood, neutralizes gomasio acidification, thus relieving fatigue.
* The gomasio establishing a stable and proper balance of yin and yang foods in the body, increasing, therefore, natural immunity.


* Daily use of gomasio strengthens the body and helps prevent discomfort. Using a small teaspoon 1-2 times per day, on cereals.
* The medicinal use of gomasio (for which should be stronger), applies in cases of headaches, nausea, vomiting, travel sickness, menstrual cramps and toothache. He can eat well, with a tea or swallowed or dissolved in tea Bancha.


A good way to get extra minerals is to add a small amount of seaweed and sesame. In this case we do gomasio with nori seaweed and use salt instead of umeboshi vinegar. Is exquisite.

1 - Point 1 is the same as the traditional recipe.
2 - The second step is to toast a piece of nori on the fire of the kitchen until brown.
3 - add a few drops of sesame ume-su, nori flakes (crumbled) and ground also in the suribachi all together.


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