Monday, December 27, 2010

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2010 Last Post

close this 2010 with an entry a little bitter, but not empty proposals and wanted to continue to build, say keen to continue doing things, because with several years of this Blog, new readers keep coming and giving support for our work.
I read "The Freethinker " paper newsletter and blog which are born of Loose Leaves Freethinker, and I found a comment from a Reading:
beta : I once met a man who stated liberopensatore in Perugia in 92. Il called Gorino and distributed a libertarian Paskin which have brought me memories. A hug and health. This comment
reaffirmed my desire to give new impetus to the Freethinker, and begin distribution on paper, thus achieving an audience reach on broader cultural and socioeconomic diversity, which will most likely not the case when we only post on the blog and you think about the characteristics of those who have Internet access and have the time to read articles and publications that require time and reflection, and not a glance.

also close this year 2010 with new projects feasible and with many people willing to support these initiatives: in that sense, this past year is the standing necessary to initiate a new period of work, criticism and suggestions.
But like I said, this entry is stained a feeling a little bitter, and the times in which we live are thinking: This year 2010 was bitter because of the earthquake on February 27, the rise to power of a president of law, accident ( to end "happy") of the Miners? In part yes, but not just because of that: Today we witness that global capitalism, with its expression in the Neo-liberalism is in a deep crisis, and this beyond or ideological value judgments are made, can not deny it. As a result we have the policies of a welfare state - which came gradually disappearing - now gone at a dizzying pace: England Belgium, Romania, Greece and Ireland, by talking about some European countries have sought to transform numbers to the utmost, and have finally accepted that they are in a crisis that involves profound changes in its educational policies, economic and social conditions in general. This occurs in a context in which political movements facsistas resumed their strength in that troubled continent.

In America, where we also pass by the crisis, situations make different shades, and the center-left or radical left are positioned in several countries (Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, etc..), While others also positioned is equally or more radical positions, but the right wing. In this political game, they return to hover intolerance and foul play in international politics through economic blockades and military invasions (Wikileaks cables for U.S. policy toward Venezuela or attempted coups, fighting against "internal enemies" through the militarization of territories - favelas in Brazil, indigenous people in Chile - are clear examples of this).

Thus, we could go situations show that we are in a very profound time of change, why we are not so convoluted why? Perhaps because in an age of immediacy forced by new communication tools has led us not to question or think at length about these situations. Give some cases to reflect and realize that, if analyzed carefully, stand out:
- English Monarch silences democratically elected a Republican president (Case Hugo Chavez and King of Spain ... "why not you shut up!? ".
- Purchase of vaccines against the H1N1 virus by the Chilean State and other States, where business was rather dark in the middle, and that vaccines were not as necessary.
- demonization Anarchist groups and indigenous organizations, only because of their ideologies, and not by direct actions tested.
- Education reforms worldwide, with clear functional interest.

could continue with examples, but not necessary. In short, this 2010 full of penalties is just the prelude to a troubled world that is approaching fast, and for which we must be prepared, and do not be misled by the information flows that show a lot but do not say nothing.

the extent that our streets are filled with security cameras, and speaking of fighting crime becomes more poisonous, we must be aware that things are not so well, and refute those arguments, noting that citizenship (such as remembered, but so full of nonsense) needs more. (I leave here a link to contrast the level of violence and weapons that exist in Chile, and how people perceive these levels-> click here.)

Finally, I leave a video of that news is quickly passing the news and are overshadowed by the huge flood of junk information, but gives to think about what is the world situation, and asking what our role, and what we do us in space we've created.

Happy Holidays to all (as we can not be bitter beings at all times), but each
health and do not forget that we live in difficult times ahead, where we will give our best and make decisions every increasingly complex.

To all readers:


The Simple Facts of the Freethinker.

(Before watching the video read the explanation)

A 41 year old man attempted suicide yesterday by jumping into the void from a balcony reserved for guests of the Romanian Parliament, in protest over welfare cuts approved by the Government.
"We've taken the bread for my children," the man shouted to the deputies before jumping, Agerpres agency reported, adding that this is a public television technician named Adrian Sobaru.
The man is hospitalized with multiple injuries bucarestino, although no target organ and not life threatening.
Romanian media indicate that the victim is a child with autism and that some of the social support received had been suspended by the Government as part of its austerity policies. TV
coach should not have gone to Parliament for film work, but specifically requested to go in place of a colleague, suggesting that he had everything prepared.
Shortly after Emil Boc Prime Minister had begun his speech to the deputies, Sobaru jumped on the benches of Parliament from a height of twenty feet shouting, "Boc going for you!".
deputies present in the House came from cries for help Sobaru, wearing a T-shirt that read: "They've killed the future of our children. Liberty."
The parliamentary session that was going to vote a motion of confidence in the executive center-right was postponed shortly after.
After resuming the session, which was the fourth motion against the government failed due to the withdrawal of all opposition MPs because of the incident.
"We can not see that nothing has happened and continue the session," said the leader of the opposition Social Democrat Victor Ponta. Boc
told reporters he was "a tragedy that has shocked me," and called for calm "in times as tough as they are now." EFE


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