Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cm Right Before Your Period

Dinners, the daughter of Robert Poste y. .. Happy New Year!

These days one has to feel left half caught between various events. One of them, meet people moons ago do not see, or others that look very regularly ... or give you time of solitude and silence. During these days, I've been on both ends. Very necessary, incidentally. Among other dinners, there was one that I've been doing years ago. Not that I have a big house (quite the contrary), but she could eat some seventeen people. This dinner is the land that we call my "urban family." These people that spend long periods in the life. It's a special dinner, in which there are dishes that do not touch any of the table, because there is nowhere to place them on the table. Besides ... you have to think hard about where you sit and if you need to go to the bathroom ... sooner rather than later ... because leaving some points on the table, is truly feat. As I say the house and in particular the room is not very large. Is also tight in that moment you can not stretch your arms, and if you do, you may bring a surprise for the diner next to you. Certainly no shortage of laughter or music or carols (the original year, we heard carols heavys ... very good indeed ... At this dinner, guests often bring something (a part of good humor) ... that if a pie, if the other tortilla, ... but all very simple.
addition, there were Christmas who brought tea, and was not too bad ...
cream Pumpkin was one of the highlights ... it looks like liked it all even though some are not very fond of cream. But hey ... it's the thought that counts.
And I can assure that the heat was awful, (and do not put the heat) while I was in short sleeves, although away from home was a whopping -2. So ... nothing like riding a dinner in house with lots of people to avoid light increases ahead ...

After various dinners now, with families of every size and shape, they come also those moments of solitude and silence, ... be welcomed with enthusiasm. Because there are times for everything, and the noise no doubt also has to stop to hear what you just heard when there are sounds external. And so, I was reading at home one evening and another ... until you finish the book that I speaking to you in months. I picked it up and finished off guard. It is a book as entertaining and fun (despite my tardiness) and you can imagine everything. Laughter, and I mean, laughter escaped me constantly. I have to say, (and here under the head) leads to the tune of the month of August with him on the table. I must admit that there have been others ... yes ... I admit, I jumped at the end You read before at hand, but could not avoid.

Well, " Robert Poste's daughter "has many wonderful moments ... of those where you can not help to say, but what a good book!. It is written (and the translation is quite good), in a light ... smooth, sometimes seems that speaks for itself. It is about the daughter of Robert Post, as the title indicates ... that is called Flora, who loses her family after graduating. She decides she wants to live with relatives rather than work. Because he wants to devote himself to writing novels (like Jane Austen and others). This writes to several relatives, and I answered ... and few of them choose.
And so Flora is decided by the family over "dilapidated" so to speak, the offers shelter, but do not expect to be reciprocated ... and there she goes ... finding it a most peculiar family. They are all farmers, and apparently there is a time per year that is very interesting ... like a spring outburst ... she will try to "educate" and also seek to intervene in their lives. All of them are apparently asalvajados. But when Flora gets to know the separate, is finding them odd meaning to their lives. Not all are only farmers.
Despite being a sensible woman and with a view to the prevailing morality of the time ... is something unexpected that makes one think of how everything can lead to no desirable end. It is a cousin his, which is dedicated to giving sermons in his spare time ... He has even created a kind of "church" and in it, and from the pulpit, it's all the time to scold people who go there and show them how lousy they are and probably will go to hell. Of course, he did not ... even though you do, there is always justified ... This is one of the funniest parts of the book.
Is the person who does not know (despite living in the same household) because he never leaves his room and is the matriarch of the place. Do you see? To this must be read first the book.
seems that going to translate the second part and there is a movie of the same.
I leave you with a fragment that I laughed a lot.
"Hi Flora Poste. Do you think that women have souls? - And there it was, ñplantado front of her, looking from above with a cheeky smile and yet enigmatic.
Flora not surprised at the question. I knew that intellectuals, like the python bicolor Mr. Kipling, always talked about that. " (With Mr. Kipling referred to the writer Rudyard Jungle Book)
I'm not sure how but just talking about Wuthering Heights contertulio and Plants, replied that no doubt Branwell Brontë was the true author of the works claimed to be written by his sisters. Those also were the real drunk family, not him. It appears as this character in the book, it was he who carried a reputation unjustified. This fragment is the funniest thing. There are many more anecdotes
... I will discover it by reading that.

This edition is a preface the author writes, Stella Gibbons a writer friend, whom he describes his work in a very peculiar. I certainly have had a good time. And I recommend it. I found an author who has filled my hours of good moments ...

Well ... the year and ends ... thousands of times through my mind, including some I spend reading each of your blogs ... I have met wonderful people, after the covers posts and all that lies ahead of a blog ...

A big hug to all and to all ... and I sincerely hope the best for this 2011.
I say goodbye ... for a few days I will be visiting other lands ... and before I even walk upon your blogs to wish Happy New Year, good reading ... and a lot of tea!


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