Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ny Stateid Card Template

Library Hours - Virginia Woolf in the memory always

During these days, apart from doing other things, I've been (and still) placing books on the shelves of home. I remembered as the book of "The Book " the protagonist was imposed as a rule, when he placed books, not ojearlos. In my case this rule does not work ... and besides, I do not want to use it ... I really enjoy re-reading some excerpts that I liked books I read did not remember, look between the pages and find out what kept inside ... (I found some old letters. It's funny how a book also serves to keep handouts, notes, cards, bookmarks ...).

So ... looking through the shelves (even without drag on, because if not ever finish), I saw a book by Virginia Woolf I have not read. I bought four years ago and I can not find in regular bookstores. In this book, one discovers reading Virginia Woolf. They are a collection of essays on books I read, and what he thought about them. One of the things I like about Virginia Woolf is as delivered to the reading the book itself and between mixing the author leads you to discover while other authors and books (sometimes, when I read some of his essays, I "get it" with pencil and paper, writing down the names of those writers and books I have not heard of) ... One of these trials is entitled Dostoiesvski in Cranford ... imagine my surprise ... which is related Dostoiesvski and Elizabeth Gaskell? Nothing ... It is a book of this great Russian writer (which servant only read "The Idiot ) also recreates a fictional town, like Cranford, only here and called Mordasov ... keeping small resemblance to Cranford ... (very small). This town is in the book of "The Uncle's Dream." Here the ladies did not drink tea, but I heard behind closed doors, stealing sugar when the host leaves the room .... in this book, it seems that humor is also present, but in a different way ... V. Woolf resembles another writer Wycherly ...

" Hours in a library" does not end here ... there are many more authors of some books from the Library of Virginia Woolf: Kathenine Mansfield, Kipling, Rossetti, Conrad, Austen .. . And even further, there are tests that speak in a unique way writers and books special, unnamed, ... or simply the pleasure of reading. Trials I found that I had collected in another book: it belongs to his travels ... including Haworth.

Reading it is a pleasure and although this book has only been paged ... not rule out starting early and go into those "hours LIBRARY" we all need from time to time.
Each test consists of two or three pages ... and is one of those books you do not need to start from the beginning ... you can take anywhere you like ... The first leads the same title, and there is a piece I want to share . "Let us begin by clarifying the old confusion that exists between the person who loves learning and who loves reading, and point out as soon as there is no connection of any kind between the two. The scholar is an enthusiastic sedentary , concentrated, lonely, looking at books in an effort to desubrir a certain grain of truth, which has made every effort and all your heart. If passion conquers reading their profits dwindle and you slip through fingers. On the other hand, a reader has to curb the desire to learn right from the start, if knowledge sticks, great, but go in search of knowledge, read in accordance with a system, become specialist, or authority, is something that has all the signs of ending what they prefer to regard as a human passion, a passion for pure and disinterested reading.

books are still scattered some corners of the house ... So do not rule out other good times to meet adentradome in some of its pages ... read out loud and low, listening to background music, meditation ... and perhaps disappear, as Alice in Wonderland ...
them looking at them, I think there are many "trips" I have not done. and they took me to worlds yet unexplored by my imagination.

The photos are one of the shelf ... (it is, I assure you look better than before) and the other is a cup of this morning and the Advent calendar (part of the schedule, as is great) ... contained a tea cup ... delicious. Some days ago I went to buy Christmas tea (not you going to believe, but it was the last to get the latest 250gr. Y. .. despite being true to four or five TS ... (for that to vary a little ), took a long time since Earl Grey black tea cream ... (the cream is important) ... because it is very very rich, with a little milk. Nothing like a few years rest some flavors, then taste it again ...
Incidentally, a while ago, I heard the Nobel Prize speech : Vargas Llosa ... I really liked ... And speaking of the pleasure of reading, repairing what may be reading ... among other things.


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