Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cm Right Before Your Period

Dinners, the daughter of Robert Poste y. .. Happy New Year!

These days one has to feel left half caught between various events. One of them, meet people moons ago do not see, or others that look very regularly ... or give you time of solitude and silence. During these days, I've been on both ends. Very necessary, incidentally. Among other dinners, there was one that I've been doing years ago. Not that I have a big house (quite the contrary), but she could eat some seventeen people. This dinner is the land that we call my "urban family." These people that spend long periods in the life. It's a special dinner, in which there are dishes that do not touch any of the table, because there is nowhere to place them on the table. Besides ... you have to think hard about where you sit and if you need to go to the bathroom ... sooner rather than later ... because leaving some points on the table, is truly feat. As I say the house and in particular the room is not very large. Is also tight in that moment you can not stretch your arms, and if you do, you may bring a surprise for the diner next to you. Certainly no shortage of laughter or music or carols (the original year, we heard carols heavys ... very good indeed ... At this dinner, guests often bring something (a part of good humor) ... that if a pie, if the other tortilla, ... but all very simple.
addition, there were Christmas who brought tea, and was not too bad ...
cream Pumpkin was one of the highlights ... it looks like liked it all even though some are not very fond of cream. But hey ... it's the thought that counts.
And I can assure that the heat was awful, (and do not put the heat) while I was in short sleeves, although away from home was a whopping -2. So ... nothing like riding a dinner in house with lots of people to avoid light increases ahead ...

After various dinners now, with families of every size and shape, they come also those moments of solitude and silence, ... be welcomed with enthusiasm. Because there are times for everything, and the noise no doubt also has to stop to hear what you just heard when there are sounds external. And so, I was reading at home one evening and another ... until you finish the book that I speaking to you in months. I picked it up and finished off guard. It is a book as entertaining and fun (despite my tardiness) and you can imagine everything. Laughter, and I mean, laughter escaped me constantly. I have to say, (and here under the head) leads to the tune of the month of August with him on the table. I must admit that there have been others ... yes ... I admit, I jumped at the end You read before at hand, but could not avoid.

Well, " Robert Poste's daughter "has many wonderful moments ... of those where you can not help to say, but what a good book!. It is written (and the translation is quite good), in a light ... smooth, sometimes seems that speaks for itself. It is about the daughter of Robert Post, as the title indicates ... that is called Flora, who loses her family after graduating. She decides she wants to live with relatives rather than work. Because he wants to devote himself to writing novels (like Jane Austen and others). This writes to several relatives, and I answered ... and few of them choose.
And so Flora is decided by the family over "dilapidated" so to speak, the offers shelter, but do not expect to be reciprocated ... and there she goes ... finding it a most peculiar family. They are all farmers, and apparently there is a time per year that is very interesting ... like a spring outburst ... she will try to "educate" and also seek to intervene in their lives. All of them are apparently asalvajados. But when Flora gets to know the separate, is finding them odd meaning to their lives. Not all are only farmers.
Despite being a sensible woman and with a view to the prevailing morality of the time ... is something unexpected that makes one think of how everything can lead to no desirable end. It is a cousin his, which is dedicated to giving sermons in his spare time ... He has even created a kind of "church" and in it, and from the pulpit, it's all the time to scold people who go there and show them how lousy they are and probably will go to hell. Of course, he did not ... even though you do, there is always justified ... This is one of the funniest parts of the book.
Is the person who does not know (despite living in the same household) because he never leaves his room and is the matriarch of the place. Do you see? To this must be read first the book.
seems that going to translate the second part and there is a movie of the same.
I leave you with a fragment that I laughed a lot.
"Hi Flora Poste. Do you think that women have souls? - And there it was, ñplantado front of her, looking from above with a cheeky smile and yet enigmatic.
Flora not surprised at the question. I knew that intellectuals, like the python bicolor Mr. Kipling, always talked about that. " (With Mr. Kipling referred to the writer Rudyard Jungle Book)
I'm not sure how but just talking about Wuthering Heights contertulio and Plants, replied that no doubt Branwell Brontë was the true author of the works claimed to be written by his sisters. Those also were the real drunk family, not him. It appears as this character in the book, it was he who carried a reputation unjustified. This fragment is the funniest thing. There are many more anecdotes
... I will discover it by reading that.

This edition is a preface the author writes, Stella Gibbons a writer friend, whom he describes his work in a very peculiar. I certainly have had a good time. And I recommend it. I found an author who has filled my hours of good moments ...

Well ... the year and ends ... thousands of times through my mind, including some I spend reading each of your blogs ... I have met wonderful people, after the covers posts and all that lies ahead of a blog ...

A big hug to all and to all ... and I sincerely hope the best for this 2011.
I say goodbye ... for a few days I will be visiting other lands ... and before I even walk upon your blogs to wish Happy New Year, good reading ... and a lot of tea!

Monday, December 27, 2010

How Much Do Moncler Jackets Cost?


Pate green olives anchovies

200 grams green olives onions

Vinegar of Modena

virgin olive oil 2 anchovies

Boning olives and crush in a mortar (or buy boneless).
Sauté onion until soft and transparent.
Add the anchovy, a splash of balsamic vinegar and other oil first cold pressed. We again
crush everything in the mortar, and ready to flirt. Does not add salt because the olives and anchovies are already a lot. Therefore, it can serve with a good salad

tofu pate and sardines:

fresh Tofu
Sardines in olive oil grated carrot

Capers Mustard Chive
Boil the tofu

Place all ingredients in a bowl and beat. Pate

"Verat" (horn) with roasted vegetables:

2 red peppers 1 onion escalivada
1 1 Verat mackerel or grilled
buzzer 1 clove garlic
Fresh parsley Extra virgin olive oil Sea salt

Escalivada peppers and onions in the oven and peel them when they have cooled.
Cook fish grilled with a little salt, remove the bones, head and use only the meat.
Chop parsley,
Grind all the above ingredients adding salt if necessary and a drizzle of olive oil first cold pressed.

Mussel Pate:

1 onion 1kg fresh mussels

olive oil 1 teaspoon fresh dill


Mustard Scrub mussels and steaming. Cut the onion and sauté with a little olive oil and salt. Grind mussels, sautéed onions and tender leaves with mustard dill.

Best Way To Get Shoe Polish Off Car Windows

2010 Last Post

close this 2010 with an entry a little bitter, but not empty proposals and wanted to continue to build, say keen to continue doing things, because with several years of this Blog, new readers keep coming and giving support for our work.
I read "The Freethinker " paper newsletter and blog which are born of Loose Leaves Freethinker, and I found a comment from a Reading:
beta : I once met a man who stated liberopensatore in Perugia in 92. Il called Gorino and distributed a libertarian Paskin which have brought me memories. A hug and health. This comment
reaffirmed my desire to give new impetus to the Freethinker, and begin distribution on paper, thus achieving an audience reach on broader cultural and socioeconomic diversity, which will most likely not the case when we only post on the blog and you think about the characteristics of those who have Internet access and have the time to read articles and publications that require time and reflection, and not a glance.

also close this year 2010 with new projects feasible and with many people willing to support these initiatives: in that sense, this past year is the standing necessary to initiate a new period of work, criticism and suggestions.
But like I said, this entry is stained a feeling a little bitter, and the times in which we live are thinking: This year 2010 was bitter because of the earthquake on February 27, the rise to power of a president of law, accident ( to end "happy") of the Miners? In part yes, but not just because of that: Today we witness that global capitalism, with its expression in the Neo-liberalism is in a deep crisis, and this beyond or ideological value judgments are made, can not deny it. As a result we have the policies of a welfare state - which came gradually disappearing - now gone at a dizzying pace: England Belgium, Romania, Greece and Ireland, by talking about some European countries have sought to transform numbers to the utmost, and have finally accepted that they are in a crisis that involves profound changes in its educational policies, economic and social conditions in general. This occurs in a context in which political movements facsistas resumed their strength in that troubled continent.

In America, where we also pass by the crisis, situations make different shades, and the center-left or radical left are positioned in several countries (Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, etc..), While others also positioned is equally or more radical positions, but the right wing. In this political game, they return to hover intolerance and foul play in international politics through economic blockades and military invasions (Wikileaks cables for U.S. policy toward Venezuela or attempted coups, fighting against "internal enemies" through the militarization of territories - favelas in Brazil, indigenous people in Chile - are clear examples of this).

Thus, we could go situations show that we are in a very profound time of change, why we are not so convoluted why? Perhaps because in an age of immediacy forced by new communication tools has led us not to question or think at length about these situations. Give some cases to reflect and realize that, if analyzed carefully, stand out:
- English Monarch silences democratically elected a Republican president (Case Hugo Chavez and King of Spain ... "why not you shut up!? ".
- Purchase of vaccines against the H1N1 virus by the Chilean State and other States, where business was rather dark in the middle, and that vaccines were not as necessary.
- demonization Anarchist groups and indigenous organizations, only because of their ideologies, and not by direct actions tested.
- Education reforms worldwide, with clear functional interest.

could continue with examples, but not necessary. In short, this 2010 full of penalties is just the prelude to a troubled world that is approaching fast, and for which we must be prepared, and do not be misled by the information flows that show a lot but do not say nothing.

the extent that our streets are filled with security cameras, and speaking of fighting crime becomes more poisonous, we must be aware that things are not so well, and refute those arguments, noting that citizenship (such as remembered, but so full of nonsense) needs more. (I leave here a link to contrast the level of violence and weapons that exist in Chile, and how people perceive these levels-> click here.)

Finally, I leave a video of that news is quickly passing the news and are overshadowed by the huge flood of junk information, but gives to think about what is the world situation, and asking what our role, and what we do us in space we've created.

Happy Holidays to all (as we can not be bitter beings at all times), but each
health and do not forget that we live in difficult times ahead, where we will give our best and make decisions every increasingly complex.

To all readers:


The Simple Facts of the Freethinker.

(Before watching the video read the explanation)

A 41 year old man attempted suicide yesterday by jumping into the void from a balcony reserved for guests of the Romanian Parliament, in protest over welfare cuts approved by the Government.
"We've taken the bread for my children," the man shouted to the deputies before jumping, Agerpres agency reported, adding that this is a public television technician named Adrian Sobaru.
The man is hospitalized with multiple injuries bucarestino, although no target organ and not life threatening.
Romanian media indicate that the victim is a child with autism and that some of the social support received had been suspended by the Government as part of its austerity policies. TV
coach should not have gone to Parliament for film work, but specifically requested to go in place of a colleague, suggesting that he had everything prepared.
Shortly after Emil Boc Prime Minister had begun his speech to the deputies, Sobaru jumped on the benches of Parliament from a height of twenty feet shouting, "Boc going for you!".
deputies present in the House came from cries for help Sobaru, wearing a T-shirt that read: "They've killed the future of our children. Liberty."
The parliamentary session that was going to vote a motion of confidence in the executive center-right was postponed shortly after.
After resuming the session, which was the fourth motion against the government failed due to the withdrawal of all opposition MPs because of the incident.
"We can not see that nothing has happened and continue the session," said the leader of the opposition Social Democrat Victor Ponta. Boc
told reporters he was "a tragedy that has shocked me," and called for calm "in times as tough as they are now." EFE

Thursday, December 23, 2010

How Long Does It Take For A Brazilian To Grow In

Merry Christmas!

I wish you a very Merry Christmas ... what your life is full of beautiful encounters, pleasant conversations, rich readings ... of unconditional love and full of many .. . lots of laughter. And if peace were something that could be acquired over time, would be the perfect gift. I hope that this Christmas you feel invaded by how wonderful everything is in Life.
Every moment is unique and unrepeatable ... You can live in many ways, there is always something we can choose ...

These days I've been writing some Christmas, I think more than ever in the letters that are sent in envelopes without stamps, on the grounds of these stamps ... Now it's time for new technologies, and we seem to save time for everything .... it is curious that we have lost (in general) the habit of writing Christmas cards ... So I appreciate a lot more (and so did that before), those letters that come home and you're wishing unopened and certainly appears in our face ... a smile .... because ... who does not like receiving letters, postcards, greeting cards ...?

Yesterday ... and many moons ago ... a great illustrator and owner of several farms (to avoid speculation), left this world. I speak of Beatrix Potter ... I've written a lot about it .... but yesterday, half surrounded by small children could not help but think of it ... and the great good that made a woman from the silence of his room. First filling to children reading some animals dressed (somewhat surprising for some) and second by preventing a part of this world (Lake District) did not complete full of holiday apartments, but wished that the land continue being equal ... A place where to breathe ... as is ... for the use and enjoyment of animals, farmers, and people wishing to get lost in its landscape ... His little book, which many publishers rejected it, were read by major writers as a child ... These CS Lewis ... who's named in his biography. But like him, many more.

tomorrow's Happy Night! A hug for everyone!

The photo is of Lake District and the picture is the house where Beatrix Potter lived. I do not know who he is ... but is the place where he wrote letters ... The stories I wrote them from his room in London ...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Dog Ingested Cipralex


Plants play the most important job on the planet earth to provide oxygen. They do this by purifying the air of carbon dioxide absorbed and processed Taves of photosynthesis. This process is unlike in the animal world: animals consume oxygen and unload carbon dioxide. plants are also indispensable in their ability to transform energy from sunlight into chemical energy. plants not only transform this vital energy but can also store it for later use. This stored chemical energy from light, to eat animals and people in the form of plants is used as fuel. Plants are the true source of protein, carbohydrates and other complex molecules. Without plants the world would be a sphere that turns lifeless, sterile and barren.
leaf plants are the best example of natural law to take (sunlight) and give (oxygen).
There are many varieties of green leafy vegetables are edible and grow as long as those leaves alone (arugula, watercress, mustard greens, rhubarb ...) or the same leaves from the roots (carrot, turnip, of radishes ...) or leaves of other vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli or green vegetables round as all varieties of cabbage, broccoli, etc ... Most of them can be eaten raw in salads during the summer (and to a lesser extent, also in spring), blanched or steamed. It is very important
eat at least two main meals (lunch and dinner) and can be taken at breakfast cereal accompanying cream.
Some green leafy vegetables, grow during the winter and others during the summer, some are perennials and other seasonal.
currently known about a thousand species of plants with edible leaves.

How to store

Most of them can be stored in the refrigerator for several days slightly damp and in a perforated plastic bag.
harvested leaves tender and delicate structure will soon wither, it is best eaten as soon as possible, or buy the same day that will be consumed.

Leafy plants and health

Leafy plants are low in calories, low in fat, high in protein per calorie, high fiber, high in iron, magnesium and calcium. Like many vegetables contain antioxidants that help the body to detox, which places them among foods that help reduce the risk of cancer. Especially
dark green leaves have great nutritional properties. They are rich in fiber, chlorophyll, beta carotene (precursor of vitamin A), vitamin C, calcium, iron and magnesium. They also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are thought to protect the eye from cataracts and macular degeneration. Folates are involved in the production of red and white cells in the synthesis of genetic material and the formation of antibodies in the immune system.

green leafy vegetables synergistically affect the organs of the upper body, ie lung, heart and throat.
"When a seed enters its roots in the earth, an outbreak grows in the opposite direction. This outbreak is transformed in the stem and leaves, that rise towards the sky. The leaves absorb light and transform it into art, sits them in the sunlight that has materialized in chlorophyll and carbohydrates. The fresh green leaves provide the necessary in every balanced meal. People need them and they serve as intermediaries for our exchange of energy with the cosmos. " (Anne Marie Colbin - "The Healing Power of Food")

green leafy vegetables that can be found in markets:

Beet: macrobiotics indicates limited use if there are problems the kidneys due to its high content in oxalates. Contains:
• Vitamins: A lot and C in smaller amounts.
• Minerals: Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine.
• Others: folate, beta-carotene, acid oxalate. Recommended
• anti-cancer, stress, diuretic, laxative, debugger, during pregnancy: a good training aid fetus.
• Thyroid hormones, immune system, antibody formation, production of red and white vision, hair, nails, skin, mucous membranes, bones, teeth. Liver. Lowering cardiovascular defensas.Problemas degenerativos.Transmisión and generation of nerve impulses and muscle. Sex hormones and intestinal suprarrenales.Tránsito
• Growth of children.
• respiratory infections.

Celery: Celery is native to the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and the Himalayas and was already used in ancient Egypt. Began to be cultivated as a vegetable and eaten from the Middle Ages. Currently much is consumed in Europe and America for its great power diuretic, especially in France, Italy and Spain. There are two varieties
Apium graveolens see. sweet and see. rapaceum (celeriac). Belongs to the family of the Umbelliferae. Celery needs a temperate climate. Not bear the cold winter and need light. 30%, which is marketed celery is 70% white and celery green. Traditionally, celery associated with it such important properties of purifying and large quantity of medicines related to digestive issues.
Celery contains:
• Vitamins: C, A, E, B1, B2.
• Minerals: Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc,
• Other: phthalide, folic acid, beta-carotene.
Recommended for:
• Fluid retention, cleanser, laxative ... Tranquilizante.Bueno to reduce cholesterol and uric acid. Helps reduce hypertension. For your vitamin E as a major antioxidants allies against cancer. Against Arthritis and rheumatism. Prevention of cardiovascular problems.

Cress: The cress are from North Asia and Europe. The major products are: Denmark, Holland, France, Belgium and England. It is a herbaceous vegetable that belongs to the family of the Brassicaceae. Calorie is a plant.
past, were used as medicine for rheumatism, skin cracking, anti-inflammatory and specifically in Germany was used as a medicine against scurvy, for its vitamin C. Taste a little spicy and a little bitter, help open the lungs and promote breathing. They have Phenylethyl
isothio-cyanate (PEITC), an oil that causes bitterness and this oil may be what gives their anticancer properties. It also contains beta-carotene, vitamins A, B1, B6, C, E, K, plus plenty of iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and a flavonoid called quercentin, which is des-igniters, antihistamine and antioxidant. There are 4 varieties
Watercress: Watercress Mastuerzo
•: is the most common.
• Watercress herb or water, grows in water. They are the most nutritious. The large leaves and dark are the best.
• cocleacia Berro: spoon-shaped leaves. Silvestre in central Europe and north.
• winter cress, grown in France and Europe. To this group belongs Daikon, despite being a damn.

Bok choy (Chinese cabbage, also Pak Choi, Bok Choy, Pak Choi) whose scientific name is Brassica chinensis L. plant is a native of the Far East. It is grown in China over 1,500 years, from where he came to Japan in the late nineteenth century. In recent years consumption and production have undergone a gradual spread to the countries of Europe and America. Like a Swiss chard, green leaves and white stems are used in Asian cooking, especially Chinese cuisine Cantonese. It is a rich source of vitamin C, beta carotene and iron. It is also a good source of folic acid, vitamin B6 and calcium.

Borage: Today, in countries like France and Italy, borage is considered a luxury vegetable dishes where the protagonist is presented as a true specialty in prestigious restaurants. When taken borage is appreciated for its fine flavor and delicate, very vegetal. In the stands borage potassium, calcium, sodium and iron, as well as discrete quantities of magnesium, zinc, phosphorus. Also involved in the formation of collagen, bones, teeth and red blood cells also to promote resistance to infection and absorption of certain nutrients from food (iron, folic acid and certain amino acids). In the kitchen is used raw in salads, stews, boiled, sauteed with garlic, soups etc.

Broccoli Broccoli belongs to the family of the Cruciferae, the variety and subvariety botrytis cymosa Lam.
is a hardy vegetable of the cabbage family, high in vitamins A and D. It grows best in cool seasons of the year. It is increasingly popular and can be steamed, baked, boiled ...
Broccoli is one of the so-called "superfoods" (super food) for their nutritional and antioxidant properties but because of its rich vitamin C and folic acid is interesting to make al dente, you do not lose their properties. Broccoli season in Spain runs from January to March.

Canons: due to its high content of vitamin B9 are good against stress, depression and fatigue. Cardo

: contains vitamin C, potassium and a high amount of iron. Provides vitamin A, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and beta-carotene. However, like spinach also contains high levels of oxalates and oxalatito too acid can interfere with calcium absorption.

Col: There are many varieties of cabbage,
Kale: By having lots of vitamin A or niacin, kale prevent eye disease, strengthens the immune system and have anticancer properties. Also for its high content of vitamin A, this vegetable also promotes good skin and mucous membranes.
folic acid or vitamin B9 kale, makes this a highly recommended food for consumption on stages of pregnancy or lactation. This vegetable can also help combat the damaging effects of certain drugs absorb vitamin B9 and can help people Alcoholics or smoking, because these habits cause a Folic acid malabsorption.
The antioxidant action of vitamin C, makes the use of Savoy is beneficial to our eyes, skin, ear and respiratory system. Moreover, the high amount of vitamin C of this vegetable can help reduce symptoms of colds and fight diseases such as constipation and hyperthyroidism. It is also recommended during menopause and that vitamin C helps reduce hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.
The high content of vitamin K in this vegetable makes taking kale is beneficial for proper blood clotting. This food is also beneficial for bone metabolism.

Col de Paperino: variety of typical col de Catalunya, oval and slightly pointed. Its leaves are very tender and a softer green than the kale. Inside is yellow. It has an intense taste yet smooth and quite sweet.

Brussels sprouts: The Brussels sprouts are native to northern Europe, particularly in northern France and Belgium, hence the name of Brussels, the capital of Belgium. And these need a cold, wet weather for cultivation. The countries that consume it are France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and the UK.
They differ from other sprouts to have more Vitamin A, high in potassium and calcium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium.

Dandelion: grows like weed and can be found in spring in the roadsides and "weed" in the orchards and fields. It has an intense bitter taste, but there are no crop species has the same bitter taste.
Among the properties that have highlighted the colagogas, ie that stimulate contractions of the gallbladder and promotes secretion. It is also considered an effective diuretic because it contains potassium, in fact, is one of the plants used for the disposal of retained fluid even dandelion works in cases of retention caused by heart such disorders.
debugger appetizer and also the blood of toxins while protecting the liver, especially in cases of food poisoning. Also, the dandelion is used to combat lack of appetite.
Other alternative uses include the treatment of rheumatism and its use as a liver tonic, and more, is believed to help in the removal of warts when used topically on them.
The dandelion leaves are rich in vitamin A, C, K, B2 (riboflavin) and calcium, iron and potassium, among others.
Usually, this plant can be eaten fresh in salads, but also can be incorporated through the squeeze juice leaves: It is recommended to take three to four teaspoons per day, depending on the effect sought.

Endive: is native to the Mediterranean or Asia, no one knows exactly, because they are grown on both sides des antiquity. We know that in Egypt, Greece, Rome and took it as a salad. In some places called "endive". Is of the Asteraceae family. Need rather cold temperate climates, but warm to grow smoothly. Escarole has a bitter taste, which displeases many, like endive, however, is the key bitter taste its exquisite when combined with other vegetables.
traditionally eaten in Spain curly variety grown in Catalonia, Valencia and Murcia. Een the Garraf region we have a "endives Cabell d'angel" very tender variety, that can be purchased alone for a couple of months a year, with very thin sheets and delicious "Xató" (salad typical of the region) .
Contains: Vitamins: A, C, B1, B2, Minerals: Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Iron, Theanine, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid, folate, beta-carotene, intibina.

Espigalls: brotonera cabbage or espigalls are a variety of cabbage variety of crucifers produced elongated leaves. From October to November generates very leaf buds are called green cabbage or "Brotons" in the region of garraf in Catalonia, which are native and indigenous. Season of espigalls is from January to March. They have a dark green color and mild flavor of cabbage. They are usually eaten fresh, cooked and lined with a little olive oil or sauteed with green beans.
Like most leafy vegetables are rich in folic áacido, highly recommended during pregnancy, Vit C, A, potassium and fiber.

Spinach: belongs to the family of Chenopodiaceae. It is a vegetable that needs a cool spot and a temperate climate to grow. It is planted in August or September, and harvested two months later.
Spinach contains vitamin A, vitamin C and has high levels of calcium, phosphorus and potassium also moderate amounts of protein. However, they also contain oxalates that can interfere with calcium absorption. Recommended especially in cases of iron deficiency anemia due to its high iron content.

The turnips are the family of the Cruciferae, variety Rapa. There are some vegetables, which until not long ago is mainly consumed in Galicia and little known in the rest of Spain.
has a characteristic taste of bitterness and a very unique and attractive to some dishes.
turnip greens and turnip greens are the leaves of turnips, which will go before flowering. Both have more vitamins than turnips itself. The origin of the Grelos not clear, for some it is native to Europe and other Asia, which are the two continents where most is consumed.
But in Spain. has grown and consumed for many years only in Galicia. Today, are sold in almost all parts of our country.
with turnip greens are several typical dishes from Galicia. Are used to make stews, tortilla salad. You may to the same use or use the same recipes, spinach.
The problem they have is their bitter turnip greens, which is removed blanching in boiling water for a few minutes before cooking.

Mustard: The Romans were great consumers of mustard. Both its leaves and seeds are edible and the leaves smell like pepper, are used as a condiment, preparing sauces, whole leaves in salads, with fish, seafood ... It stimulates the action of the sex glands, provides minerals and vitamins. Properties: Highly rubefacient and repulsive action. It is ideal for bronchitis, pleurisy, rheumatism Arthritis, and is stimulating and diuretic. Vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin E and folate. Are mostly a rich source of calcium.

turnips Sheets: contain vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and high amounts of folic acid. Turnip greens, in macrobiotic are used to make a sitz bath in order to help the female reproductive tract to remove mucus.

radish leaves: As a diuretic and colagogo, make a decoction of leaves of radish, 50 gr. with 1 liter of water.
The radish leaf tea with fennel, is used to treat intestinal gas.

beet common beet comes from the botanical species Beta maritime, popularly known as "sea kale" or "chard brave", a plant native to the coastal area of \u200b\u200bNorth Africa. Its culture is ancient, dating from the II A and C resulted in two different vegetables, one with abundant foliage, chard, and another with thickened, fleshy root, beets. In principle the ancient civilizations ate only the leaves of the beet. The root of the plant is used as a medicine for toothache and headaches. It is known that the Romans ate this root, but it was not until the sixteenth century when he returned to the diet, in this case, English and German.
Currently, its use is widespread in all temperate countries, especially in Europe. France and Italy are the main producers.
are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, iron and calcium.

Sheets carrot November to March you can find good carrots of the season. The carrot is a vegetable hard and cold weather, although they can endure the summer heat in many areas, grow best when planted in early spring.
carrots leaves are edible and very nutritious, rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. They are an excellent source chlorophyll (studies have shown that fights the growth of tumors). Chlorophyll contains cleansing properties of the blood, lymph nodes and adrenal glands. Scientists have been unable to synthesize chlorophyll in the laboratory, but green leafy vegetables contain it in sufficient quantities to protect the human body.
have antiseptic properties, so they were added to mouthwashes and to disinfect wounds. Chewing carrot leaves can cure mouth sores, bad breath, bleeding gums and ulcers in the boca.También are diuretic and may help treat kidney disease and edema.
was the Greek physician Dioscorides (40-A to C - 90) quiencataloga more than 600 species of medicinal plants and said that the Greeks used carrot leaves against cancerous tumors.

Beans: belong to the family Fabaceae and Papilionaceae subspecies. Need a temperate climate for growing tropical or subtropical.

The Green Beans are the bean pods and seeds are inside, that the developed and dried, they become the beans or dried beans. May have different shapes: flat, round or heart-shaped or cord and figure eights.
The green beans have been cultivated for 5,000 years. Are from Mexico and Peru, although some believe it originated in Asia, India and China. The truth is that the English conquistadors discovered them when they came to Mexico in the sixteenth century brought them to Spain. Of Spain extended its use to the rest of Europe. Until the nineteenth century did not begin to eat the green pod, ate only seed or dry bean. Not a leaf vegetable but a pod. But the greens will include among their many properties.
• Vitamins: A, C, B1, B3, B6, B2
• Minerals: Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Magnesium, Chromium, Iodine.
• Others: Folic acid beta-carotene, amino acids (arginine), antioxidants. Recommended
• Gout, arthritis and kidney stones due to folic acid.
• Anemias due to its contribution of iron, calcium.
• Cholesterol.
• Anti-cancer,
• Immune system: up defenses and the creation of antibodies.
• intestinal transit. • diuretic and cleanser

• Hypertension.
• Kidney stones and uric acid.

Lettuce: is a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and E, folic acid, manganese, chromium and fiber. Beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium and small amounts of copper, iron and zinc. Aids digestion, stimulates the formation of bile, it is refreshing, rejuvenating, detoxifying the blood, favors the formation of urine, prevents the intestinal fermentations. Useful in those / as who have trouble sleeping because it promotes sleep.

There are very many varieties of lettuce. The most popular types of lettuce are
• Iceberg, round and crisp sheet forming a compact whorl (Campo de Cartagena, Valle del Guadalentín and Eagles) and Alicante, collecting continuously from October to May
• "Little gem" or florets
• curly leaf (loose leaf or separated)
• Romana (elongated leaves with entire margins and midrib very wide). is also the "Miniromana" smaller gauge ideal for a family salad
• Stem (also called asparagus lettuce) with leaves that taste is not advisable.
• Simpson - Oak Black Seed, darker color a few years ago
lettuce Murcia's "Curly" was incredibly good taste. Now it is more difficult to find. Castellón and Valencia also make excellent greens.

Parsley herb native to the eastern Mediterranean, now grown worldwide, contains large amounts of vitamin C and A and minerals like iron, calcium, phosphorus and manganese.
is potent as a diuretic, helps eliminate intestinal gas regulating traffic, is digestive, antispasmodic, stimulating uterine muscle, it's food, improves liver disease, low blood pressure.
Use in infections and urinary stones, when there is fluid retention or edema, digestive or stomach problems, to return the uterus to its state after delivery and to promote the formation of milk in the mother, arthritic problems when there is a defective renal evacuation, anemia, to remove intestinal parasites. Locally used in insect bites, to relieve toothache, in wounds and abscesses, as well as bruises
Warning: Do not use or seeds or plants in the pregnancy because it causes abortion, especially if they are fresh .

Leeks: Leeks contain fiber, 94% water, are low in calories and carbohydrate.
-Vitamins: A, C, B6.
-Minerals: Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Iron.
-Theanine, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid, folate, ascorbic acid.
Recommended for:
- Gastrointestinal and pancreas, biliary functions.
- Pregnant women: helps formation of the fetus.
- Promotes intestinal transit.
- Immune system: antibody formation, production of red and white.
- Rise of defenses.
- It is diuretic and laxative.
- Vista, hair, collagen, skin, teeth, bones.
- Appetizer.
- Cardiovascular Disease and degenerative diseases.
- Cholesterol.
- purifies the blood.
- Transmission and generation of nerve impulses and muscle.
- rheumatism, arthritis .

Rocket: This is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, manganese and magnesium. It is also a great source of potassium, iron, zinc, riboflavin, copper and chlorophyll.
The rocket, like other cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates, an anticancer compound, an antioxidant that stimulates the body's detoxification.


fruits and vegetables lose nutritional properties when stored for long time or, when cooked for a long time. Hence the need to consume fresh, and if the kitchen, which is for a short time (blanched, steamed, sauteed in short, pressed ...)

is important to eat organically grown vegetables tya so much we make a contribution High in vitamins and minerals, but if Laverdure not, the outer parts of the plant should not be eaten because they carry most of chemical products that have been fumigated.

Main sources of information: .
The healing power of food: Anne Marie Colbin
food energy: Steve Gagné

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Make A Someone Fall Asleeo

born a great reader ...

Claire Tomalin, biographer of this great reader, wanted to know what day it was a day like today, but in 1775 ... And found in the papers of the naturalist Gilbert White who described the days of that time Georgian ... And apparently it was a good day, with fog and sun.
While in Chawton, in the room where Jane Austen used to sleep there is a box with a framed letter. That letter was written by George Austen bringing joy at the birth of their second daughter. In fact predicted to be a toy for his sister and future partner, which would call Jenny. Surely it could have hit more. Jane Austen would be a great friend to her sister. Not only keep data from your childhood. His sister burned much of his letters. The most recent date of when I was twenty. We enjoyed much of the library of his father's house ... Read was one of his favorite hobbies. Scored his life so that women take their reading books as one of their hobbies, in a time when reading was still not entirely welcomed by the society.

Well, just wanted to make a tribute ... With his books I had (and still), lucky to have a lot ... In addition to having an original way to write, and unpretentious ... reading always has been very fresh. Write so that whoever reads it sees no harm in his words for their characters, unless their behavior leads them to have an uncertain outcome. Sometimes I imagine writing a letter ... In it one of the things which will surely say, is how much I laughed at his ironic way of telling the events and conversations, ...

I also imagined meeting (perhaps with tea in between) all her heroines, from the most simple and humble to the most rebellious and decide ... All of them very interesting women. It's nice to think that anyone can enjoy their way of being more shy or more open, and the star of a novel. In none of these women, I could say that has not learned anything. Now devote some time of day to reread some of his books, maybe a small piece.

Steventon is so small that you can drive it passes without noticing ... the houses are scattered, and more like a square is a tree in the middle of a roundabout ... Gone is the birthplace of Jane Austen ... but the Church.

I'm still having fun with that book that did not end. The truth is that lately I have little time to read, but read. Between writing Chritsmas, prepare for possible menus for Christmas dinner, place and tell me ... why am I still buying? I think I will make a market of thousands of things you no longer use.

Without doubt, today is cold but sunny here ... would like the day he was born Jane Austen? Congratulations ...
(the photos are of summer two years ago)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pokemon Cards With An R On Them


Osteoporosis is a thinning and loss of bone tissue that can result in weakness and / or acute or chronic pain in the lower back, loss of teeth due to the weakening of the supporting bone, sloping shoulders and an increased risk of fractures from falls. These fractures occur mainly in the spine, wrist and hip. In the U.S. are approximately 1.3 million fractures each year as a result of osteoporosis. Of those who suffer hip fractures, some die shortly after the fracture, while 30 percent die within a year. (These deaths can not be directly due to osteoporosis, but rather to other health related problems, including being confined to bed after the break.)

medical imaging technique most commonly used is the scanner. The person being scanned will lie on a table while a technician with a scanner passes over to measure bone density, particularly of the hips and spine. These scans are performed by an x-ray technician from the results sent to the referring physician. In the Encyclopedia "Planned Parenthood for Women's Health" the author finds: "Once osteoporosis has resulted in significant bone loss, there is no known treatment that can undo the damage, but you can prevent damage greater. "

The allopathic approach to prevent further deterioration of the bone may include hormone replacement therapy (HRT) - which is usually prescribed estrogen with progesterone, but may include calcitonin (to stop the deterioration of the bone), a medicine that stops the dissolution of new bone formed by osteoblasts, and different calcium supplements and dairy products considered rich in calcium. It's amazing the many studies showing the effectiveness of these approaches and there are many different opinions as to the type of estrogen or progesterone to take and when to take them, how much to take, and so on.

In the best case, This approach is symptomatic and has no integrative or unifying direction. The macrobiotic approach offers a clear understanding of the cause of bone loss and an approach that sees the healing of the body as a whole and highlighting specific foods for bone health while minimizing or eliminating those that are harmful.

bones and skeletal system are hard, dense and compact in relation to other body systems and therefore considers the contribution of yang in the form of whole grains, legumes, vegetables, algae and other Mineral-rich foods such as miso, soy sauce and good quality sea salt to nurture. As the bones yang, yin with the consumption of end are easily weakened by sugar, dairy products, chocolate, alcohol, vinegar, fruit juices (especially citrus fruits), alcohol, drugs and other substances expansion. Coffee, tea with caffeine, white flour, honey, oats, potatoes, tomatoes and nightshade in general, tropical fruits, and artificial sweeteners are also harmful.
The bones are governed by the element of water (kidney and bladder) and azuki bean especially feed and grains. Legumes, grains cooked under pressure and a moderate use of salt and other seasonings are the basis of adequate food. The bones are also damaged by too much yang, such as meat, eggs, poultry, all types of cheese and baked flour products like bread, biscuits, crackers and chips.

A diet based on meat, poultry, eggs, milk, dairy products, fish, refined sugar, fruit juices, saturated fats creates an acidic condition in the blood in which the body has to use the minerals stored in the bones to maintain an alkaline blood. This decrease of minerals makes the bones weak. And if this diet is carried out over a long period, osteoporosis develops. Moreover, the proper proportions of grains, vegetables, sea salt, miso, soy sauce, vegetables and seaweed derivative and together with vegetables and organically grown vegetables creates an alkaline condition in the blood. These foods are the source of the minerals that the body needs to keep bones and teeth.

If you are a starter in the macrobiotic diet, you can start protecting your bones, following the standard diet, with emphasis on whole grains instead of refined grains or flakes of cereal. Buckwheat is considered the bone fortaledor but in my experience the main grain should be short-grain rice from organic farming, millet and barley grain as an alternative. Avoid products transgenic corn cob can be eaten every day during their season. The occasional addition of a plate of buckwheat cooked vegetables or in soup, buckwheat noodles are good too. Black rice and wild rice can also be used occasionally.

wheat flour should be reduced as much as possible. Noodles can be taken several times a week in soup or fried and then. Simple sugars should be avoided and fruit should be chosen from the season and are baked or cooked (not eaten raw). Animal-source foods should be avoided with the exception of white-fleshed fish like cod, hake and sole.

The adzuki, lentils, chickpeas, black and yellow soybeans are particularly good for strengthening bones and joints. The tofu and okara (mass resulting from making tofu) are high in calcium and can be consumed regularly as well. You can also add small amounts of sweeteners to the grains, especially barley malt and amasake since both tend to increase energy and help balance the salt in the vegetables.

A small dish of seaweed cooked with vegetables from the land must be used twice a week. The Wakame can be often used in soups and chips should be cooked kombu with beans.

Collard greens, kale, turnip greens, watercress, bok choy and other leafy greens are good sources of natural calcium and should be eaten daily in quick jumps, the steamed or blanched. My favorite is the sauteed watercress but has to include a wide variety of vegetables.

Researchers at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, have found that the calcium in kale is absorbed more easily and more efficiently by the body than the calcium content in milk. In Studies of eleven women calcium absorption of 300 mg of cabbage was an average of 0,409 mg, while from a similar quantity of milk was lower absorption, ie an average of 0,321 mg of calcium. "We interpret our findings as evidence of good bioavailability of calcium in kale," the researchers concluded. Other vegetables that were included in the study were broccoli, mustard, turnip, and kale.

The Nishime (cut the vegetables and the method or rolled into large cubes and simmer for 20 minutes with a pinch of salt) is also advisable.

Among those who have practiced macrobiotics for a while and still have weak bones, I think the main problem is the excessive use of salt in all its forms - especially the excessive use of umeboshi plum paste and seasonings and sushsi. But also the use of vinegar, including good quality vinegar with rice and lemon juice on salads and salad dressings pressed mineral depleted and it is better to minimize it or avoid it. And while some consultants recommend in macrobiotic crude oil, I do not agree and think that the oil should be used only cooked.

If you are eating whole grains and vegetables, but eat baked goods, too many meals, such as cookies, cakes, cookies, fruit and bread, or too many fruit juices, tofu cream pies, and amasake, one can succeed. And even a sweet dessert cake or a week can have a detrimental effect on teeth and bones. If you use salt incorrectly, by not cooking it with food or if you use too much salt, pickles and condiments, you will not be able to stay away from / to sweets. But if you take care of every day, then you can have a long and happy life, free from osteoporosis.

While I have not emphasized suggestions on how life in this article, as part of a healing program. Forms of moderate exercise such as walking, tai-chi, yoga, some sports, as well as house cleaning, yard work, etc, are needed to improve circulation and keep energy in motion in the body. Sunbathing is a good way to absorb vitamin D, calcium fixed. And, of course, chewing is the best exercise of all and most important to keep our bones and teeth.

The macrobiotic way of eating not only prevent osteoporosis but also can re-mineralize the bones that have been damaged. According to the eyewitness testimony of Jack Gale, a woman in Atlanta who followed the standard macrobiotic diet established by Michio Kushi, along with some custom settings and suggestions to improve your lifestyle, after two years of macrobiotic practice, recent evidence showed was that his bones mineralize about 90 percent of maximum density.
Macrobiotics is, in a sense, a straight and narrow. This is a study of our physical limits and it is by understanding the limits and honored that we achieve maximum freedom.

Article by Gale Jack (Becket, MA) on November 15, 2000 with additional references to his book: "Osteoporosis: The Silent Threat."



For people who are long time macrobiotic take 40-50% of cereal can cause acidosis. The way around this apart from chewing, which few people do, gomasio always add a 1 / 10 ratio on grain
To gomasio and use it as seasoning, sesame salt ratio may range from 10 x 1 16 x 1 (x sesame salt). This should be done in accordance with the station age and consumer yin or yang / a, etc ... For an adult who is properly a ratio of 1 and 10 x 14 x 1. For a child, elder people to and yang the proportion to be used ranges from 12 x 1 16 x 1. For medicinal purposes the ratio can be lowered, in some cases, a 6 x 1 to 8 x 1.

gomasio Preparation:

1. Wash well under cold water sesame in a fine strainer. Sometimes contains small stones or grains to be removed. Allowed to dry on a tea towel.
Toast in preheated skillet over medium-low and carefully to avoid burning. Stir continuously. When the seeds start popping, and take some try to spray it with the hand between the thumb and forefinger. If you are about to be easily broken. If not, continue roasting a little more. Remove and cool on a plate not to continue roasting.

2. Salt roasting a few minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly until emanating a strong odor of chlorine disappears. There are several reasons for roasting salt. Heat the "yanguiniza" more and then be combined with oil (yin) of sesame. After the toast, salt can be sprayed more easily, allowing oil to coat each particle sesame salt.

3. It is practically impossible to prepare adequately without a gomasio Suribachi (mortar striatum). Place the desired amount of sesame seeds and salt in a mortar and slowly squeeze the mixture on the ridges in a circular motion. All the art of preparing a good gomasio lies in the milling process.


* In the blood, neutralizes gomasio acidification, thus relieving fatigue.
* The gomasio establishing a stable and proper balance of yin and yang foods in the body, increasing, therefore, natural immunity.


* Daily use of gomasio strengthens the body and helps prevent discomfort. Using a small teaspoon 1-2 times per day, on cereals.
* The medicinal use of gomasio (for which should be stronger), applies in cases of headaches, nausea, vomiting, travel sickness, menstrual cramps and toothache. He can eat well, with a tea or swallowed or dissolved in tea Bancha.


A good way to get extra minerals is to add a small amount of seaweed and sesame. In this case we do gomasio with nori seaweed and use salt instead of umeboshi vinegar. Is exquisite.

1 - Point 1 is the same as the traditional recipe.
2 - The second step is to toast a piece of nori on the fire of the kitchen until brown.
3 - add a few drops of sesame ume-su, nori flakes (crumbled) and ground also in the suribachi all together.