Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Programming 2010 Hyundai Elantra Remote

by Oxford

Oxford is one of the towns in England we like ... And if we spent more than two days in London, one of which is dedicated to travel in the suburbs. This time, again ... walk through Oxford. Now everything is beautiful, with earthy colors of autumn. And from the train, when I went through Reading I could not help thinking of Jane Austen and her sister Cassandra studying at this school for girls at their father sent them.

When the train stopped at its end of the line ... and I saw large signs Oxford, it was clear that it is time again be accompanied by CS Lewis and Tolkien. And after dusting the walking path occasional shopping street ... I stopped to visit some libraries that caught my attention too. But my visit was brief and directed my steps towards less crowded streets.
First I visited the Botanical Garden Kohathites where different trees, plants, flowers and some plants are safeguarded in greenhouses cold ...

The Garden is most welcoming. Apparently you can get you a bonus of those for the whole year and not have to constantly be taking an input. I saw several mothers with their children teaching them the names of the flowers and trees.
I also saw people walking quietly, sitting on benches reading or just watching the beautiful day and around us.

And as I walked slowly, enjoying the little flowers, I found Tolkien's favorite tree, which used to rest sitting on its roots and stroking its trunk. Is the tree that they believe was inspired to create these creatures are as interesting as Ents. called and Pinus Nigra comes from Austria. And he has many years, though not the oldest tree in the garden.

A part of this tree, the botanic garden, as I say, is full of magical places ... it also used to spend time creator Alice in Wonders of , mathematician Lewis Carroll ... This summer garden party snack.

But not only stopped in this wonderful space ... After I entered the Magdelene College, where he walked around his yard, the dining room and then a walk surrounded by trees, where deer live. Sitting on a bench contemplates the fall of the golden autumn leaves and read the plaque on one wall, the Addison Road. The is an excerpt from a poem by CS Lewis. This poem makes a nod to nature. Apparently this was a customary walk at sunset were used, Tolkien and Lewis ... They say that during these trips used to talk about religion and that Lewis converted to Christianity.

After this ride so beautiful, I went, the pub where the two friends would talk about stories and stories they would like to read ... There in the Rabbit Room, dined and took tea. Later I took a walk through the streets of Oxford, for his higth Street, Merton Street ... and some other shopping street. I visited bookstores, until it was time to catch the train back to London.
Upon reaching the station, I invited a car to bring hot cocoa and also ... I was accompanied by "Surprised by Joy" biography of CS Lewis and biography Tolkien Humphrey Carpenter. The night journey lasted about one hour to Paddington station ... and that viajeestuvo full of stories about two friends ... and now, to those places that I read, had new images accompanying them.

I do not think it takes much rereading it again this fall ...

As a curiosity: They say that the Magdelene College in 1995 was expanded (part) thanks to profits from the film "Shadowlands" ... Of course, in the cafeteria Collage no photos of Anthony Hopkins playing the role of Lewis. Someday I will show it.
The truth is that I do not regret anything to repeat again and again to visit this beautiful campus. He has the gift of charm you.

The first photograph is the Addison Road so special for these great friends creators of fantasy worlds ...


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