Friday, February 4, 2011

What Color Should I Paint My Bmx Frame

In a corner of the room. ..

recently, where more "hours" (sometimes only get a few minutes) spent reading, is in a corner of the room used for sleeping. There I expected a pile of books ... all of them with imagination to take me to different worlds, realities not experienced, to deep thoughts, etc ... Not all the books are stacked in the room. Sometimes out of "their corner" and appear in other areas, such as a cafeteria, a bus station, a couch at home ... well ... what happens when you put books in the bag and not want to get out. I miss a continuous reading of one book ... but is that, as I said before, I am tempted to read a few pages of one of the most varied reasons, spend some time with this writer how long I do not read, reread a passage from that one book that I think would be good for me today ... so ... how many thoughts crossed my mind, to choose one or another book ... and do not remain constant and faithful to one. Is Reading that I no longer trapped as before? Am I more dispersed and not concentrated? The fact is that sometimes, when I read and I am with a book in hand, I have wanted to finish it ... and at the same time is not completed. The latter happens more meudo me when the book has caught me ... and I can not quit. And I do not get another, but "it" book on the train, the subway, waiting in the cafes ... Anyway ... I think I'm somewhat caught up in several other readings and invite me to one more may not rejected.

That was ... the other day a package arrived at work ... a colleague from another place similar to mine, sent me as he could and surprise a book. At work I decided not to open it ... And ... I took him home. Once there ... I was looking for a while ... that feeling of what is behind the paper book, I love it! .. She said that maybe I would have it, and inside was a gift voucher to choose another book, where to find them repeated. The fact is that it was not necessary. The book I have not ... It French Suit of Irène Némirosvsky . Am I can hold without reading a line? Not really. Although not yet believe that I started ... I was immersed in the prologue of Myriam Anissimov.
So, the stack of books, not read, it grows and grows on my nightstand ( French Suit has not yet reached this corner .) To this we must add, those books that seem to call from time to time. So that looking on the shelf, my eyes fell on "Women who write are also dangerous" to briefly talk about a friend of a writer. And there, among several names of women, many of them are in various corners of my house, I find Astrid Lindgren and Pippi Langstrump ... and remember the many hours I spent with this girl and her adventures. I read about the person who gave life to that character, and here, who writes about it, he says he was inspired by Anne of Green Gables for "Pippi portray (in my case ... I knew Pippi as a child rather than Anne ... then ... I was conditioned to like?), and then there's that name ... where did a name like "Langstrump? And it seems that it is deformation of the word Blaustrumpf , which means blue socks and was the name given to intellectual women previously. And so .... I'm walking through my mind ... and the Astrid Lindgren who writes about, we travel with the thought ... and both he Bluestokings book continues on the stack of books without read and I'd love to know more.
also joins him that although I enjoy reading and have a good time between books, I also enjoy the social life of the sunset, work, of whatever form and full time the hours of my life.
Anyway ... I think I'll be trying to finish a few days From this and other worlds , traveling books that are on the table at night, trying not read Irène Némirovsky and others that are stacked around me ... and perhaps escape from dreams and whispered that tomorrow, want to be read for a while.

illustrations ... The first is Federico Zandomeneghi ... (besides the cover of a book I have really wanted to read ... and read in a moment.) Then there is the picture of Anne of Green Gables is Lauren Mills and the rest are covers of books and a picture of the actress who resprenstaba Pippi Longstocking.


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