Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Toilet Whooshing Sound

Queipul, Lonco of the Autonomous Community of Temucuicui - Chilean-Mapuche Conflict

As the days passed, the activities in support of Mapuche political prisoners become more urgent, and although the problem is not new (and are more than 500 years of struggle over territories), even and the press (or rather, state media installation and large consortia communication) has strived to make the conflict seem monocausal situation and has been branded as "terrorist acts" isolated.
Against alienating exercise of the Chilean press, single sheets as well as many other areas media, has chosen to show the other side of situations.
I leave an interview today the Mapuche Victor Queipul, Lonco Autonomous Community Temucuicui.
This interview is located at a forum at the University of Playa Ancha, today (17/08/2010).

Forum held at the University of Playa Ancha. On the left the Lonco Victor Queipul.


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