Thursday, August 26, 2010

Atv Loses Power When You Give Gas

The way things are. Interview with Victor

There are times when police repression fails to allay the discomfort of the people. This is a recording of a woman facing the police force in the demonstration on August 26, 2010, leaving in DEFENSE of students and workers, and little by little, leading to the special forces to his car, being women supported by a lot of people were folding his speech.

To fight against a state can not be educated, or live in peace, we must take positions and not be afraid to support those who fight on our side.

Speech by police Osamapk


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Toilet Whooshing Sound

Queipul, Lonco of the Autonomous Community of Temucuicui - Chilean-Mapuche Conflict

As the days passed, the activities in support of Mapuche political prisoners become more urgent, and although the problem is not new (and are more than 500 years of struggle over territories), even and the press (or rather, state media installation and large consortia communication) has strived to make the conflict seem monocausal situation and has been branded as "terrorist acts" isolated.
Against alienating exercise of the Chilean press, single sheets as well as many other areas media, has chosen to show the other side of situations.
I leave an interview today the Mapuche Victor Queipul, Lonco Autonomous Community Temucuicui.
This interview is located at a forum at the University of Playa Ancha, today (17/08/2010).

Forum held at the University of Playa Ancha. On the left the Lonco Victor Queipul.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pledging Grad Chapter Gpa

Desperate Entry

This was supposed to be an entry more or less structured and drafted before publication, but the days passed and the topics are increasingly aged (not really, but our mind bombed to the stupidity of the media could to believe that), so now 1:29 a.m.., I feel obliged to write - oblogación to me, and to update with some political and story-at least some readers of this blog - In Ultimately, I roll back into the sour criticism, that which corrodes, and that I like to publish.

talk of gay marriage in Chile, although controversy is old, has emerged as a result of which the approve homosexual marriage law in Argentina . With this, both priests and politicians have again demonstrated its inability to run a country, and the enormous amount of contradictions that carry and look after their pompous titles and big desks.
Cardinal Jorge Medina

On Sunday July 25th this year was published an interview in the newspaper El Mercurio de Valparaíso, the respondent, the Cardinal Jorge Medina - is asked his opinion on the draft Pardon Bicentennial, as homosexual marriage, and it responds by saying that gay marriage is "an atrocity", reinforcing the idea with a religious argument and reproductive systems.

The priest, considers homosexuality a trend that looks like a defect, such as alcoholism and that he claims can cure. Similarly, as holy church representative noted in his remarks that in the event that Chile is proposing a law Matrinonio Homosexual ( thing is happening happily) "the bishops are going to raise his voice hard and strong" (as he likes to Italian priests) .
Osvaldo Andrade

addition, Jorge Medina referring to the draft Bicentennial Pardon urged to act as God and good Christian, forgiving those who make mistakes and those who say aceverando "neither forgive nor forget" are not Christians, which does not depart from the custom of the Catholic Church get away with atrocities committed (Crusades, Inquisition and now want to liberate and protect torturers and murderers).

Luckily, in Chile we have variety of hues, and stereotypes do not work in this area of \u200b\u200bidentities and individuals, because it all off, the newly elected president of the Socialist Party Osvaldo Andrade, told a television news said something even more surprising that the above arguments for such a renowned priest: he believes "Chile is not ready for gay marriage" , so I close this post, leaving the reader with a question:

If Chile is not ready for gay marriage ... nor is for Socialism?
Thus over 100 years control of the Chilean left going to the ground, and even the current president of PS is capable of time travel and fire the bullet that killed Allende, or the one that took the life of the Mapuche fighting in the south. Chile ... but things are different, so are the "Latin American jaguar," and nothing is like in other countries.

Greetings readers.